Promote Your Business: 30 Best Ways to Advertise Your Business For Free and Paid Advertising

Promote Your Business
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Quality products would bring you credibility but only promotion will bring you the money. So, as you gear up to take a seat among top brands in your industry, there is every need to kit up with knowledge of the most effective ways to promote your brand by letting it stay in the faces of your target market at all times.

Stephen Leacock was the one who described advertising as the science of arresting human intelligence long enough to get money from it.”  This guide contains a collection of verifiable tactics that if used correctly drive great sales and get you a lot of conversions.

If after putting so much time and effort into flying your business and instead of flying, it is still crawling, then this guide has been written with you in mind.

If you have been promoting your business yet it still appears hidden from your target audience, then this is for you.

Perhaps there is something you are not doing right.

By using these promotional hacks that have been carefully handpicked and tailored toward attracting massive sales for your business, there is a full dose of assurance that your business would witness a massive boost.

And yes! You can be very effective in your business promotions without the need to first break the bank.

With little or no money in the bank at all, you can still put your business out there.  How? This article has got you covered with great tips on how to go about that.

30 Ways to Promote Your Business For Free and Paid Advertising

#1. Find affiliates to promote your business

Whether you’re a newbie in the industry or a full-fledged store controller, affiliate marketing can help you bring in new customers and increase your sales through the word of mouth.

In fact, according to some sources, affiliate marketing programs generate as much revenue as email marketing.

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This of course depends only if you have the right affiliates in your corner. So, how do you find the right affiliates?

Okay before I tell you how, hear first that affiliates could be bloggers, Social media personalities, Niche experts, Industry influencers, Your existing customers, or anyone.

Tips for choosing the Right Affiliate

A business can either build its affiliate system or join an established affiliate program that acts as a marketplace for affiliates and businesses.

For a medium and small start-up, joining an existing affiliate program would be the best decision since it is cheaper and easier to manage.

However, whether a business decides to build its affiliate system or join an established affiliate program there is a need to still choose the right place to source for your affiliate.

Affiliates can be found in the places below:

*Affiliate Recruitment Agency


*Niche Blogs

*Online communities

*Fiverr Marketplace

* Affiliate Networks and Directories

And yes! you can turn your customer into your affiliate.

A  happy customer is more inclined to suggest your product to family or friends and go a step into talking about your product on social media where they are friends and follows

So when you netted the affiliate, offer them a commission rate that’s competitive to other affiliate programs in your niche, while still making sure it’s sustainable for your business.

#2. Start Email Marketing

Email marketing can help businesses expand their reach, boost their conversion rates, connect with their audience, and increase sales.

Follow Email best practices

Is Email Marketing Best Practice?

The fact remains that email remains one of the social media tools that help grow your business if well explored.

Records from DMA and Demand Metric had it that, email had a median ROI of 122%. This shows that its usage and popularity are 4times higher than any other marketing channel. The bases for generating ROI is mastering the foundations such as

  • It’s about getting your emails delivered to your prospect’s inbox
  • Opening your email
  • Initiating engagement, so your prospect takes the action you are asking for
  • Computerizing the entire process.

Study and get to know the significant role of email in a growing business and how to swiftly apply the same to move prospects and customers through the Customer Value Journey.

#3. Invest in an infographic

Infographics go beyond telling people about your business, they present added value to your brand. Certain infographics can make your content go viral so make sure it includes a company logo and web address.

A quick tip: Infographics posted on your website & social accounts can generate backlinks that improve SEO.

Businesses use infographics in both digital and print and are very effective ways of showing important statistics and information.

In today’s world where grabbing your audience is growing ever harder, the importance of using a creative means of showing otherwise dull information into something captivating cannot be overemphasized.

Graphics are perfect to showcase on a website, brochure, or social media.

#4. Get found in Google Search

Google is unarguably the global search giant and yes it is a big deal to be found in Google searches.

With consumers now relying on Google to research brands and products before making any purchases, businesses need to have a website and leverage Google’s promotion tools to drive sales and conversions.

Research shows that online businesses receive 35% of total traffic and 33% of revenue from search engine results pages, huge, right? Yes, that is why every business is struggling to be found in Google searches.

The goal is to get to position one, so when searchers/shoppers type in a specific keyword, they find your brand first.

These shoppers consider the product in the first position as more authentic which means they are more likely to buy your products compared to people who fall at the bottom of the search funnel.

Most newbie brands do not have the resources to compete for the first position in searches however, putting all the round pegs in round holes is enough to get you ahead of competitors.

3 Ways To Promote Your Business Using Google

#5. Google My Business – Free Listing

Google My Business allows you to share links, photos, reviews, maps, and promotions with the right customers at the right times.

These posts are public, so actively searching consumers can find your business right away.

This is the easiest way to show up on Google since setting up a business profile on Google My Business is free, so no excuses.

If you don’t have a Google My Business listing, do it now and sell your products for free to reach shoppers across Google.

#6. Google Ads

Advertisers can display brief advertisements, service offerings, product listings, or videos to web users. It can place ads both in the results of search engines like Google Search and on non-search websites, mobile apps, and videos.

Advertising on Google is more expensive than other forms of digital advertising, such as on Facebook or YouTube, but with good reason.

Google Ads is great for small businesses because it’s a platform full of consumers who are actively looking to purchase.

So leverage the medium to get in front of customers when they’re searching for businesses like yours on Google Search and Maps.

#7. Search Engine Optimization

SEO website optimization is an effective tool for online promotion, which helps to take the top places in Google search results, thereby expanding the target audience, increasing brand awareness, attracting quality traffic to the website, and increasing the number of applications and sales.

Best Ways to Promote your business on Social Media

One of the main reasons social media is considered great for promotional campaigns is that it allows you to target your audience by their demographics, interests, and behaviors.

Business promotion is a huge part of social media and the reason is clear.

#8.  Ask Instagram influencers to promote your product

Instagram is one of the most visual social media platforms being used today. It’s flooded with imagery from individuals and brands daily.

In this space, selling and promoting your products and services online makes a lot of sense as potential customers can immediately see what’s available.

So when you take steps to engage the services of an influencer in your niche to say a word or two for your brand, be sure you are on the speed lane to massive sales

#9.  Host a Twitter chat with your audience

Twitter (Tweet) chats have been around for years, and are currently experiencing a surge in popularity as one of many audience engagement tools for business promotion.

Leverage Twitter chats to get the most from your business promotion efforts.

#10.  Set up your WhatsApp business profile Correctly

To get the most out of WhatsApp Business, it’s important to add all the relevant business information to your profile.

The most important of which is your profile picture.

You can then add your business hours, business website, email address, and location (if necessary). Lastly, you can put your business category and business description.

These steps are important to legitimize your business and show that you are not a robot and are serious about it.

Unleash the power of WhatsApp and connect with your customers like never before.

As WhatsApp enables you to quickly and easily engage in rich conversations with your customers.

#11. Cultivate your voice to win fans on Twitter

The popularity of using Twitter for business is skyrocketing.

Think about it More than 400 million people use Twitter every single month. Do the math if you have to put your business in the face of the numbers monthly.

Give your brand a have a unique voice. Each of your tweets should be unique to you.

Image credit: Kepios

#12. Start a YouTube channel

Anyone can make a YouTube ad that gets results. Create a video right on your phone and connect with your target audience in a fresh and exciting way.

Use our free tools and resources, and create impactful ads for your business.

As YouTube continues to grow and amass more users, it’s a prime marketing opportunity to take advantage of the great benefits that come with marketing on the platform.

#13. Get on TikTok

If you’re considering using TikTok as a small business marketing tool, start by creating a small business account and explore the platform.

This isn’t the kind of place where you should make hard sales for your tech software. That kind of promotion isn’t going to get very far on TikTok.

That’s why it’s best to first look around and see what other brands are doing. You’ll also want to make sure your audience is on TikTok before you go any further.

#14. Run a Twitter poll

Twitter Polls are native polls designed to collect feedback and give people the chance to weigh in on questions. With one click people can provide an answer and see the results instantly.

In every industry, there are daily conversations surrounding trending topics. Creating a poll about leading industry topics can help establish your brand as a thought leader, so take the opportunity today to involve your followers in your when making decisions concerning the brand.

So, when you are going to decide on a logo change, just involve your followers and ask for their opinion.

#15. Make it easy to share your products

Social share buttons are a key element to increasing how your content achieves “virality” from your site, which can, in turn, drive traffic and boost online sales.

Make sure the buttons on the popular social networks—Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest—are  not hidden and easy for users to find

#16. Enable Shopping on Instagram

With the option to sell items within the Instagram platform through videos, photos, Reels, Stories, and ads, With just a simple tap, customers can purchase a company’s products through Instagram’s in-app browser without being redirected to a new window, offering a seamless shopping experience.

#17. Take your Business Promotion to Facebook

Your business needs are dynamic & complex, but sharing your products with the world doesn’t have to be.

Whether you are ready to tell the world about a new product, attract new customers with a big promotion, adjust your hours, host an event, or do something else entirely, Facebook marketing can help you get your message in front of the right people.

Leverage the opportunity to tell your story with immersive ads that meet people where they are.

#18. Share positive reviews and customer testimonials online

When you do receive positive reviews from word-of-mouth advertising, do not keep it a secret. Share that valuable information online, where the world can see it and see how this works wonders for your brand.

#19. Reach out to past customers

Whether you are a newbie in business or spent forever on it, you have a database of buyers, so use it to your advantage.

Reach out to those satisfied customers, ask for testimonials and post those positive reviews on your website and social media channels.

#20. Exceed customer expectations every time

We all like our challenges to be resolved efficiently when contacting a company, but what makes us use them again & again? There is only one answer. The quality of the service they offer to their customers

When you deliver world-class service to your customers, they will take notice.

#21. Engage on social media

Social media gives your business the opportunity to connect and engage on a personal level with both returning and potential customers.

This strategy is a direct driver for business, as 74% of customers rely on social media to guide their purchasing decisions.

Talk about your topic and be around to answer the questions from your followers regarding your brand.

#22. Post content on your social profiles

Take your social media strategy to the next level by making available quality content to always post. This not only keeps your site alive but also buzzing with visits from visitors.

Consistency ensures your content reaches your audience, while high-quality, relevant, and authentic content gets your audience to engage.

#23. Promote Your Business on Google with Google Analytics

Google Analytics allows you to collect and analyze data about users and how they interact with your site.

What’s the point of using the tools above if you’re not able to measure the results? That’s where Google Analytics steps in.

#24. Be active on the right #hashtags

The hashtag has organized a big part of the social web according to conversations, making it easy to join in on discussions and events by posting under the ones that are relevant to your brand.

#25. Join local events

For example, host a fun contest where local neighbors and customers can participate. You can tie in the theme to your brand, and invite people to submit entries and show off their spirit.

#26. Product or Service Sampling

Sponsor small community parties and sample your products. Give out flyers and have a good connection with the people in the community. Make sure the niche resonates with community members and the timing is perfect.

#27. Introduce Giveaways

Everyone loves winning prizes, and this gives your audience an incentive to participate and tell their friends so they have a chance at winning too. Do this only when your business can avoid it.

#28. Sporting Events

Try sponsoring a local sporting event, such as a high school or college baseball or football team. This is a great way to get your name out there, and it gives you an excuse to take a day off to watch some sports.

#29. Philanthropic Events

Small businesses can host philanthropic events to help the community, raise awareness for a cause and build brand awareness.

If your product is relevant to a good cause, you can use that to promote it and encourage others to participate as well.

#30. Offer Local Delivery

Offering local delivery is a smart way to capitalize on and make great sales. When a customer orders something from your online store, you can personally deliver it to their doorstep.

It serves as an alternative to traditional carrier shipping and in-store shopping and is a thoughtful way to sell to concerned customers.


A business promotion sets a business apart from its competitors. No business will ever need to run any promotions if there wasn’t any competition.

So in the face of competition, You have to stay ahead of your competitors for customers to keep doing business with you.

You don’t need to launch all 30 of these tactics right away. Start with one or two and see how they work. Then continue to add more as you get more comfortable.

It’ll make sure your marketing efforts are focused and put your time and money to good use.

Terhemba Ucha

Terhemba Ucha

Terhemba has over 11 years of digital marketing and specifically focuses on paid advertising on social media and search engines. He loves tech and kin in learning and sharing his knowledge with others. He consults on digital marketing and growth hacking.

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