Facebook Ecommerce Ads Guide And Strategies For Beginners

Facebook Ecommerce Ads
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Are you having doubts about running Facebook eCommerce ads for eCommerce businesses? Unfortunately, you are not the only one. There are a million and one marketers out there who are still skeptical about leveraging Facebook ads for eCommerce.

Sometimes you must spend money to make money, and that’s a scary hump to get over for so many advertisers.

There has been a lot of discussion about the future of Facebook advertising and eCommerce, mainly due to the fierce competition in the marketing realm in recent years.

However, these are the same stories business owners, and marketers were saying some years ago. The truth is much different.

Facebook remains the top dog when it comes to advertising e-commerce stores.

And you will have a massive advantage over your competitors if you leverage Facebook ads for eCommerce but of course, that is if you leverage it correctly.

In this guide, I will take you through the safest routes that lead you to success in your Facebook ads for the eCommerce journey.

Best Facebook Ads for Ecommerce Strategies

As we know, e-commerce has become an undetached part of our lives and now people can reach almost all their needs with just one click all made possible by eCommerce.

And for these, there is a need to learn profitable strategies while utilizing Facebook eCommerce ads for your eCommerce. Below are some beneficial strategies to deploy into your Facebook ads for eCommerce:

#1. Defining Your Marketing Budget Is Essential

People will work on corporate identity, but do little or nothing planning for the budget to execute it. It is like buying a car but not having enough money to put fuel in the engine.

While it’s basic to have initials for developing your logo, website, and marketing materials, it’s also crucial that you are an ongoing plan for how you are going to get the word out and a budget for putting your plan into action.

Buy Quality web traffic
Click to Start Your Ad Campaign ($0.01 per Click)

Hence it is important to define a budget for your Facebook ads for eCommerce.

The best way to go about this is to create a marketing strategy and set a monthly or yearly advertising budget to make sure it happens.

An advertising budget is a guide to ensure that you stay in line with the estimated costs vs. the actual costs.

Your advertising budget should include all of the prices that you hope to pay for each type of advertising you do. As we “have mentioned above “You have to spend”money to make money.” Be ready to commit money to your Facebook ads for eCommerce.

#2. Create A Lookalike Audience

Facebook is astonishingly clever. They know what consumers prefer and what they people’s on similar to people’s actions and online behavior.

Luckily, you can utilize this cleverness to your advantage. When you create a Lookalike audience for your Facebook ads, you are putting all of the insights Facebook collects about users to work for you.

Based on past shoppers’ behavior, their algorithms know which other shoppers might also be interested in your products or services. Then, you can create an ad campaign to specifically target those users.

#3. Tell Your Brand Story Using Video FaceboIt’sds For Ecommerce

It’s 9 p.m. and you are back from work feeling tired but decided to open your Facebook news feed for a quick scroll, which you did hesitatingly.

You are logged on and stumble upon a fascinating video, you click to watch, you are done watching the first, and you move to another fascinating one on that roll.

Before you know it, it’s 12:30 a.m., and you have spent four in the platform’s endless montage of funny and interesting videos.

We have all been there and we love the experience whenever we get caught in it again. More than 1.25 billion users consume video content on Facebook every month, accounting for almost half of the time users spend using the app.

Video and Facebook are a perfect match made in heaven, one your eCommerce brand can capitalize on by telling your brand story using the platform. viewer’s to arrest a viewer’s attention and divert potential consumers to your eCommerce store.

#4. Run Retargeting Campaigns In Facebook Ads For Ecommerce

96% of visitors that come to your website are not ready to buy, they just strolled around your online store for assessment or just for leisure. For marketers, there may be no spine-chilling statistic than this.

I mean I am stunned by the scary statistic too, 96% visitors.

This means you are likely only able to persuade 4% of traffic to buy what you are offering the first time they are that’s your website.

That’s a big chunk of visitors you are watching slip off your fingers. Fortunately, there is one thing you can do to bring back these lost visitors into your marketing funnel.

Run retargeting campaigns to draw back these 96% of visitors that came to your website but were not ready to purchase as of then.

Facebook Product Ads
Image credit: Adweek

#5. Break Your Ad sets Into Granular Buckets

 If your campaign currently targets broad age groups, geographies, or genders, you should consider breaking your ad sets into smaller buckets to enhance your ability to optimize them at a granular level.

Your goal is to find the most beneficial combination of targeting that gives you the most profitable ROAS or cost per conversion.

This way, you can spend a relatively higher amount of money for that precise targeting rather than burning money across your broad targeting.

For example, if your campaigns target Men and Women in the age group of 30–45, across the UK, US, and Australia, you should break your ad sets into the following buckets:

Men, 30–34, US

Men, 35–40, US

Men, 40–45, US

Women, 30–34, US

women, 35–40, US

Do you get the idea? Breaking your ad sets into smaller buckets helps your target them better.

#6. Use Multi-Product Ads

Multi-product ads are a fine way to show off your products to the right customers. However, you can apply some advanced strategies to show your –best sellers– in these ads rather than showing random products from your catalog.

Showing Best sellers will boost the CTR & conversions from these campaigns.

Facebook Image eCommerce Ads
Image credit: Facebook

#7. Bid Differently for mobile vs Desktop

Have you been analyzing your campaign at the device level? If not, you should surely be doing it. You will see a considerable difference in all the campaign metrics when you put them siIndia’side at the device level.

In recent years, India’s internet users increased substantially due to the availability of cheap mobile devices and data.

As a result, today, more online searches are triggered on mobile devices than on desktops. However, most of these searches are more explorations in nature with low conversion intent.

If you are running Search Engine Marketing (SEM) campaigns for more than four years, you have already been seeing a noticeable shift in your search impression at the device level.

Every year, more percentage of your impressions come from mobile devices compared to previous years. Also, you would notice your overall conversion rate coming down in the direct proposition.

In general, some of the key differences in the campaign metrics on mobile and desktop are:

#1. Mobile devices will have a greater number of Impressions

#2. Desktop devices will have a greater CPC

#3. CTR in the mobile will be higher

#4. However, the desktop will have a greater conversion rate

#5. Lastly, a desktop would have a much greater return on investment (ROI) than a mobile for a gdon’tCPT

With these distinctions in the metrics, don’t you think it is best to have a separate campaign and strategy for Mobile and Desktop?

Having a separate campaign for each device helps you in coming up with strategies for them at various levels too. You can have a different.

#1. Communication strategy

#2. Bidding strategy

#3. Scale-up strategy

Communication Strategy

When you come across a search ad on mobile, most of the time you only see a single ad before the first scroll.

Especially if it has all four ad extensions. But on the desktop, you will find all four ads. This itself is an excellent opportunity.

You can strategize a high CTR doesn’t by having a communication strategy that doesn’t allow the user to scroll down and see the second ad itself. For this, you should bid for the first position and present the ad attractively.

Also, on the mobile phone, the heading will be displayed in two lines versus a single line on the desktop. So make sure that the most vital communication texts are on the front of the heading here.


In general, mobile CPCs are lower but their conversion rate is also modest compared to desktops. One can

safely say that having the campaign at CPA bidding should take care of this.

However, if you check the value/conversion at the device level, you will understand why device-level campaign segmentation and different CPA bidding are required.

Scale-up strategy

When you set a CPA bid at the campaign level, the campaign tends to accomplish the set CPA over time.

However, this will be a combined CPA. When you segment this at the device level, normally one device gets over-indexed there.

If the over-indexed device is a high ROI device, you are in the right corner. But what if the over-indexed device is a low ROI device?

When you try to scale the campaign in the last-mentioned scenario, the lower ROI device impression tends to scale, and the price elasticity of the volume tends to be extremely high. (i.e)You tend to pay more for your additionalCustomers’n than you should.

#8. Walk In Your Customers’ Shoe

walk in your customers` shoes
image crcustomers’kthroughmarketingsecrets

Walking in customers’ shoes and thinking about what would make them click on the ads and purchase is great Facebook eCommerce ads for eCommerce strategy.

One of the biggest reasons to walk from your customer’s perspective is that it helps you understand the pain points they may have. Look at your products through the lens of a customer and ask yourself crucial questions.

The best way to create an effective Facebook ad for eCommerce is to have a buyer persona in your mind before creating the ad.

You ought to have an idea about the product and the relevant audience. Check your competitors and look at how they are running their ads.

#9. Optimize for conversions not clicks

If your ultimate goal is conversions, make sure your campaign objectives are set to optimize for conversions.

You can utilize optimized CPM targeting to let Facebook show your ads to users who are most likely to convert.

#10. Test One thing “t a time

It “s exceedingly important to “control test” your changes. If you alter your ad copy at the same time as you change your targeting, and you also update your bids at the same time, you will not know what worked.

You should ensure that you test one thing at a time, and leave all the other variables unmodified. You should also keep detailed notes of your learning because after applying 100s of optimization, you will not remember what specific things worked.

After each controlled experiment, it is crucial to write down what was your hypothesis (or reason for the modification), what particularly did you modify, and what was the outcome of that experiment.

This way you can refer to your learnings in the future.

Why Brands should use Facebook ads for Ecommerce

There are many reasons e-commerce brands should use more Facebook ads.

First, Facebook is one of the most popular social platforms with over 2 billion monthly active users. This offers e-commerce brands tremendous opportunities to reach a large number of potential customers.

Second, Facebook Ads allow you to target a very specific audience with your marketing content placed at their doorsteps.

You can create an ad that targets shoppers who live in a certain area, who have engaged with your brand before, or who are interested in similar products.

This ensures that your ad reaches the right shoppers and that you are not wasting your time and money on ads that no one will see.

Another reason to utilize Facebook ads is that they can be exceedingly effective in driving traffic to your online store.

A well-crafted Facebook ad can reach a large number of users and persuade them to clicFacebook’sto your website.

Additionally, Facebook’s robust tools and insight research tools allow businesses to track the progress and success of their ads in real-time, making necessary modifications to Facebook to maximize conversion rates.

Facebook’s advertising platform is always evolving and introducing new features that can help e-commerce brands improve their exposure and ROI.

Summarily, Facebook ads for eCommerce offer an unmatched level of flexibility, insights, and potential reach for any e-commerce brand looking to grow its online presence.

When used correctly, Facebook ads for eCommerce can be an essential part of any successful digital marketing strategy.

Benefits of Facebook Ads for eCommerce

#1. Increase traffic with paid media

Facebook ads for eCommerce are the act of placing pausers’tent on an online property to catch users’ eyes, through this, Facebook provides advertisers and businesses with several ways to show their products.

Beginning with multi-product ads and closing business ‘l ads. Paid ads are one of the businesses’ solutions to diminishing organic traffic.

#2. Raise brand awareness using Facebook ads for eCommerce

Brand awareness ads require just 5% of your ad budget, there is no reason not to be creating them. More so, 78% of American users say they have discovered products on Facebook.

This means you can benefit highly from these campaigns using Facebook eCommerce ads for eCommerce with the sole aim to increase brand awareness.

Facebook eCommerce ads Bags
Image credit: Drip

#3. Separate cold audiences from warm

Being able to separate cold and warm audiences is another great benefit of the extensive targeting possibilities of Facebook Ads for eCommerce.

Cold audiences are all users who have not heard of or interacted with your brand or products.

Meanwhile, your warm audience consists of users who have seen or known about your brand, and products.

How to Get Started With Facebook Ads For Ecommerce

I hope you are happy about using Facebook ads for eCommerce now as well. If so, then pay extra attention now as I will show you how you can get started with Facebook ads for eCommerce.

When seeing the Facebook Ads Manager dashboard for the first time, it may look very complicated.

However, after using it for some time, you will realize that it’s not so complex after all.

Creating and running your first Facebook ad campaign is pretty simple if you follow the steps below:

#1. Create a new ad campaign

#2. Choose campaign objective

#3. Set up campaign settings

#4. Name your ad set and choose a conversion event

#5. Set daily ad set budget

#6. Select your audience

#7. Select the placements

#8. Continue with your ad setup

#9. Create an ad under the ‘Ad Creative’ section

#10. Publish ad


Facebook Ads for eCommerce has become a great tool for businesses of all shapes and sizes to sell their products.

Whether you are a small online hobby shop or a full-blown corporation, Facebook ads for eCommerce are a cost-effect doesn’t to reach your target audience.

It doesn’t matter if you are looking to improve your brand awareness or boost your conversions; Facebook ads for eCommerce can help you to reach your goals.

Terhemba Ucha

Terhemba Ucha

Terhemba has over 11 years of digital marketing and specifically focuses on paid advertising on social media and search engines. He loves tech and kin in learning and sharing his knowledge with others. He consults on digital marketing and growth hacking.

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