7 Top Social Media Analytics Tools for the eCommerce Industry

Social Media Analytics Tools
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eCommerce giants such as Amazon, Alibaba, eBay and many do well partly because of social media analytical tools.

Social has become one of the most important tool for digital businesses as its been used by billions of people across the globe.

understanding the behaviour of social media users could have great positive impact on your business.

Do you own an eCommerce business and need help with collecting and analysing your business data? The best way to get hold of your eCommerce business data is via social media analytics tools, it is the best tool for eCommerce marketing.

Going by current statistics eCommerce business has become one of the most profitable online businesses with estimated revenue to go over $599.2 billion by 2024.

The eCommerce industry is one of the businesses that offer service to people in different locations and now it is been easier with the use of logistics companies which convey goods across world continents which make people shop from the living rooms.

Well, getting people to know about your eCommerce business will be a way of getting more audiences and this can gain you a lot of profit irrespective of your business location.

Social media has made it a bit easier as it serves as the best to use and advertise your brand, it is vital in collecting and evaluating data on the performance of your business.

Your social media platforms can show you the effectiveness and the capability of your digital marketing plans.

Let’s take a look at some benefits

Benefits of Social media analytics tools for eCommerce businesses:  

  • Helps you take better decisions.
  • Enhance consumer experience and satisfaction.
  • Directs your customers based on predicting algorithms.
  • Provides data on your audience and their locations

To enhance effective social media marketing with the use of analytics tools for the eCommerce industry you will have to read the subsequent paragraphs through the lines.

Social media networking has bridged the gap between customers and eCommerce businesses.

When it is put to use properly, you can publicize information to consumers about advantageous bargains, ascertain your weakness, increase your followers, know your competitors, and advertise new/upcoming products.

Ways to use social media in eCommerce marketing

Below are the ways you can use social media in marketing your eCommerce business.

Observe Consumer Behaviours 

So to say, social media apparently is the best tool for analyzing your potential customers’ behaviour. 

With the different social media platforms as your handy tools, you can use them to

  • Determine your consumers’ needs and expectations,
  • Tell their wants and dislikes through their behaviour and
  • Make you know when to supply.
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#1. Content Production

With quality content, you can use your social media platform to skyrocket your product sales and make billions from sales across the globe in one place.

So social media content created for your eCommerce business is the best driving tool for your intended business.

Before you create content that will help you venture grow, make sure you analyze the previous and handy data and do not write based on instincts but on facts.

This will help you to

  • Improve your sales,
  • Build a trusted and loyal customer base,
  • and increasing brand awareness. 

 #2. Connect with Customers

When you engage your customers in discussion from time to time, you don’t just create a bond between you two but you understand what they want and how they want it.

This social media strategy for your business can create:

  • producer-consumer relationship.
  • note upcoming shopping habits.
  • Determine the best marketing plan and latest trends for your business. 

#3. Drive Lead to Online Store

The use of Social media as your tool for eCommerce analysis helps your business attain a bigger presence, it makes your business introduce itself to the world.

This allows you to showcase your existing products and new ones with links to your website or catalogs for easy and instant purchases.  

Robust network social media channels help promote;

  • Good sell or promote goods and services on many platforms,
  • Turn your associates into loyal customers,
  • Directs attention to your eCommerce business (website).

#4. Evaluate Competitors

For your business to grow, you have to check what your competitors are bringing to the market, growth in the eCommerce industry and increase in social media can only be archived as required, when your set a bigger target above your competitors this will bring progress and achievement to your eCommerce business.

With the use of social media for analyzing your business and making the needed changes, you can track and outgrow your competitors.

Social media analytics tools for the eCommerce industry allow you to;

  • place better advertising initiatives,
  • improve your online presence and performance index,
  • improve Client feedback.
  • provide better goods
  • improve in service delivery
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Advertise at AdsTargets

Best Social Media Analytics Tools for the eCommerce Industry 

There are different kinds of social media tools for different eCommerce businesses to use and attain their intended goals.

For eCommerce industry employees, we are focusing on the use of these tools to analyze data in different business areas.

A proper influencer marketing strategy will increase traffic, brand awareness, competitor analysis, better productions, etc.

Social media analyzing tools like Google Analytics, Sprout Social Brand witch Hootsuite, etc are reputable tools for analyzing your eCommerce business.

They are well-known social media management tools everybody can try at least once to see their benefits for your intentions however, there is much more to attain than grow better with when you know how to manipulate these tools. 

Here, we compiled a list of the best social media analytics tools for the eCommerce industry:

  • Iconosquare
  • Measure Studio
  • Whatagraph
  • Sendible
  • Brand24
  • Facebook Audience insight
  • Google Analytics

When you use the above-mentioned tools religiously in analyzing your eCommerce business you can know where to improve and get the required result.

Now lets take a brief look at each of them.

#1. Iconosquare

Iconosquare is a monitoring, and programming tool. 

Iconosquare’s personalized interface shows the most valuable index data, they are easy-to-understand graphs on users’ dashboards, showing your successive growth and deep metrics for your business.

  • Subscriber progression.
  • Total click-through rate.
  • Publishing consistency.
  • Reach, likes, and views statistics, conversion, etc.

That is not all, Iconosquare automatically records and shows your social media reports from different platforms including hashtags and your competitors’ success to help you improve our eCommerce growth.

It also provides data about your Instagram posts and sponsored posts.

social media analytics tools for eCommerce

You are also provided with features like “Labels” and “Albums” to further simplify your social media data and analytics.

Platforms like sophora integrated into Iconosqaure  to offer added features like Random Comment Picker, Instagram Audit, Facebook Audit, or Twinsta for better features with a free trial version for 14-days, but subsequently, users are prompted to subscribe as follows

  • Pro: $49 per month
  • Advanced: $79 per month
  • 10+ social media platforms: custom priced.

#2. Measure Studio

Measure studio has features that help in the growth of your eCommerce by providing social content analytics to help you strategize and boost your social media even better.

This platform is fast, accessible, and monitors your business social from one dashboard.

It is a good and free tool for social media that helps you with the analysis of your eCommerce business with its reporting features, which don’t need prerequisite knowledge or technicality to operate.

To give you a simple analysis report, this tool provides you with information about content and this can even help you to work on underperforming posts.

example of social media analytics tools for eCommerce
Measure Studio

It helps you to monitor data on posts from content posted within 48 or 72 hours providing hourly data from your eCommerce business.

It gives definite and accurate data concerning all your post.

This same tool was used by Sarah Galvez to provide statistics and social media & audience development for Joe Biden for Presidential online campaigns across the U.S

#3. Whatagraph

Whatagraph is an excellent online platform that allows marketers to monitor and review campaign performance across several platforms. 

Whatagraph’s a vasertile tool that helps you collect data on several eCommerce businesses, it provides data from various geographical locations, which will enlighten you on where people are engaging your business more, with Whatagraph’s ad hoc graphical presentations and data-driven observations feature.


 It has a simple template and prepares reports quickly from social media platforms and this media tool can help you improve and meet the need of your eCommerce business.

Whatagraphs give you the benefit of over 40 possible integrations within reach for your business data.

It has a 7-day free trial version for users to access, its subscribable features include

  • Premium: $279 per month.
  • Pro: $119 per month,
  • Growth: $699 per month.

#4. Sendible

Sendible is a commendable social media tool for networking businesses.

Users are always involved in mentioning your business online, but this is a keyword data monitoring tool that helps your usage of your eCommerce business,  it can provide you needed reference data of your business, helping you to understand your customer’s wants in order to improve your business requirements.

It gives you daily to weekly notifications about your competitors without much stress.

This social media tool is available for iOS and Android, saving you the stress of sharing posts daily to social media by creating schedules for your business.

It comes with a 14-day free trial version for your business to access, its subscribable features costs are as follows

  • Creator: $25 per month,
  • Traction: $76 per month,
  • Scale: $170 per month,
  • Expansion: $340 per month.

#5. Facebook Audience Insights

One of the most effective and important social media analytical tool is Facebook audience insight.

The Facebook audience is one of the most advance audience tools in the advertising industry. It’s literally build to provide the advertiser with the detailed and most precise audience for effective ad targeting. It also presents great opportunity to eCommerce businesses to collect data and do more precise ad targeting.

It works in several stages. For example, after creating your initial audience as seen in the image below based on location, demographics, interests, industry, income status, party affiliation and many more.

 Facebook Audience Insights  tools for social media analytics
Image credit: Adparlor

You will have the ability to save that audience and save it then use it for creating your ad campaign. Once you run your ad campaign for some time, you will be able to create other types of audience such as “Custom Audience”, “Lookalike Audience” and “Special Audience” to suit your Ad campaign.

Let’s take a look at Various types of Facebook Audience you can create and use for your Facebook Ad campaigns.

#6. Google analytics

This is free website analytics for your eCommerce business, it provides vivid data about your website traffic, earnings, visitors from each country, and ads revenue, with data provided by this tool you can revisit pages from your website that are not performing optimally and do the needful.

It has web and app versions for users to choose

There is a list here of some social media analytics tools for eCommerce businesses which can also help you with data and grow your companies in various ways. 

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How to Use Google Analytics 4 for Beginners
Google analytics

#7. Brand24

This is another tool that helps track your online business at an affordable rate.

It has what it takes to monitor your business of any size, it provides you with insights and actionable intelligence surveillance on your brand’s performances, detailing you on email alerts, influencer analysis, automated & customized PDF reports, key metrics, sentiment infographics etc.

It has a 14-day  free trial version,  Plus, $49/month, Premium, $99/month  Business, $149/,  Max, $249/month. 


With this post, I believe you now understand the various social media analytics tools for your eCommerce business and how they can be used to observe consumer behaviours, connect with customers drive lead to an online stores, and evaluate competitors. Mastering the use of these tools is just a brings you closer to turning your business around for good.

Louis Agoh

Louis Agoh

A highly experienced digital marketing expert with over seven years in the field. Loius focus his writing on digital marketing practices that help small businesses boost growth online while minimizing costs on online advertising and search engine optimization.

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