Google Display Ads Ultimate Guide

Google Display Ads
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Google Display Ads is an efficient advertising platform that can help businesses increase brand awareness, drive quality website traffic, and generate leads, sales, and conversions.

When was the last time you wanted to purchase an item but didn’t know exactly what the product looks like?

Say you need a dog couch for your St. Bernard. If you are like many shoppers today, you would probably start by searching online.

A quick Google search (“extra large dog couch for giant breeds”) would likely result in exactly what you need with great and appealing photos to accompany your search query.

Now think about your business, and the dozens of people searching for your product and would prefer to see pictures of what you sell.

How can you reach these potential customers in an appealing way when they search for what you are offering?

In this article, I will show you everything you need to know to harness the acquisition power of Google display Ads.

Google display ads targeting

What Are Google Display Ads?

Google Display Ads is an online advertising platform provided by Google that allows businesses to display visual ads on a variety of mobile apps, websites, and other digital platforms across the web.

These ads can take multiple forms, such as static images, video content, or animated graphics, and can be targeted to specific audiences based on their demographics, behaviors, and interests

Google Display Ads offers a broad range of targeting options, such as:

#1. Contextual targeting: showing ads based on the content of the site or app being viewed.

#2. Audience targeting: Displaying ads to specific groups of people based on factors such as their demographics, interests, or behaviors.

#3. Placement targeting: Displaying ads on specific websites or apps selected by the advertiser.

Google Display Ads can help marketers reach a large audience and boost brand awareness, drive website traffic, and generate leads and sales.

The platform also offers detailed performance metrics and analytics, allowing advertisers to measure the effectiveness of their ad campaigns and make data-driven decisions to improve their campaigns.

Overall, Google Display Ads is an efficient and effective way for marketers to reach prospects online and achieve their advertising goals.

How do I create a Google Display Ads campaign?

To create a Google Display Advertising campaign, follow these steps:

#1. Sign in to your Google Ads account if you already have one or create a new one.

#2. Select “Campaigns” in the left-hand navigation menu.

#3. Select the “+” button and click “New campaign.”

#4. Click “Display” as the campaign type.

#5. Select your campaign subtype based on your ad goals, such as “Standard display campaign,” “Discovery campaign” or “Smart display campaign.”

#6. Input your campaign settings, such as your campaign name, bidding strategy, and budget.

#7. Decide your target audience by selecting demographics, interests, behaviors, and other ad targeting options.

#8. Create your advertising groups and choose your targeting options for each ad group.

#9. Create your ads by uploading images, crafting headlines and descriptions, and choosing a landing page.

#10. Analyze your campaign settings and make any needed adjustments.

#10. Click “Save and continue” to create your campaign.

Once your campaign is created, you can monitor and measure its performance and make adjustments to optimize its performance over time.

What are the Different Types of Targeting Options Available for Google Display Ads?

There are many targeting options available for Google Display Ads, they include:

#1. Demographic targeting

Google Display Ads Demographic targeting is a feature that allows you to target specific age ranges, genders, and parental statuses of the audience you want to reach.

You can leverage this option to target a specific demographic that is most likely to be interested in your product. For instance, if you are promoting a product that is only suitable for women, you can use the gender targeting option to target only female users.

Similarly, if you want to promote a product that is specified for parents, you can use the parental status targeting option to target users who have children.

Demographic targeting can be a powerful tool to help you reach your target audience more effectively, and it can help you to maximize the return on investment (ROI) of your advertising campaign.

#2. Location targeting

Google Display ads Targeting

Google Display Ads Location targeting allows advertisers to target specific geographic locations, such as countries and cities where they want their ads to appear.

Advertisers can leverage this option to ensure that their ads are shown only to users in specific locations, which can be particularly beneficial for businesses that only serve customers in certain areas.

For instance, a restaurant located in Los Angeles may utilize location targeting to show its ads only to consumers who are searching for restaurants in the Los Angeles area.

Similarly, an online retailer may leverage location targeting to show their ads only to consumers who live in regions where they offer shipping.

Location targeting helps advertisers to ensure that their ad budget is being used effectively by reaching users in the right locations, and it helps them to maximize the impact of their advertising campaigns.

#3. Interest targeting

Google Display Ads Interest targeting allows advertisers to target consumers based on their interests and hobbies.

This targeting tool uses information collected by Google from consumers’ browsing activity, search history, and other online activities to identify their interests.

Advertisers can utilize this data to target users who are likely to be interested in their product. For instance, a travel company may utilize interest targeting to reach consumers who have shown an interest in travel-related content online.

This can be an efficient way to reach a highly relevant audience and improve the effectiveness of an ad campaign.

Interest targeting can be leveraged in combination with other targeting options, such as geographic or demographic targeting, to create a highly targeted and effective ad strategy.

#4. Topic targeting

Google Display Ads Topic targeting allows advertisers to target particular topics that are relevant to their product.

This targeting tool allows advertisers to choose from a list of pre-defined topics that are grouped into categories such as business, fashion, entertainment, and sports.

Advertisers can utilize topic targeting to show their ads on sites that are related to their chosen topic, which can help to reach highly relevant users.

For instance, a sporting stuff retailer may use topic targeting to show their ads on websites related to sports, such as sports news sites or sports blogs.

This can be an efficient way to reach a highly engaged audience who are interested in the advertiser’s products. Topic targeting can be combined with other targeting options

#5. Placement targeting

Placement targeting

This feature allows advertisers to target specific websites, apps, or placements within sites where they want their ads to show.

Advertisers can choose to display their ads on websites that are relevant to their product or on websites that are popular with their target audience.

For instance, an advertiser selling running shoes may choose to target placements within websites related to running, such as fitness websites or running blogs.

Placement targeting can be particularly beneficial for advertisers who want to have more control over where their ads are displayed, and who want to ensure that their ads are being displayed on high-quality, relevant websites.

Placement targeting combined with other targeting options, such as demographic or interest targeting, create a highly targeted and effective marketing strategy.

#6. Remarketing targeting

This targeting allows advertisers to target users who have previously engaged with their website or ads. The targeting option uses cookies to track consumers who have visited the advertiser’s website and then shows them targeted ads as they browse other sites or use apps on the Google Display Network (GDN).

The goal of remarketing is to re-engage users who have shown an interest in the advertiser’s product but did not make a purchase or take the desired action in the sales funnel.

For instance, an e-commerce website may leverage remarketing to show ads to potential consumers who abandoned their shopping cart without completing the purchase.

Remarketing can be an efficient way to reach highly engaged users who are more likely to convert and make a purchase at the bottom of the funnel.

Remarketing targeting can be combined with other targeting options, such as interest or demographic targeting, to create a highly targeted and effective ad strategy.

#7.Custom intent targeting

This tool allows advertisers to create their own audience targeting based on keywords and phrases that users are likely searching for on Google.

With custom intent targeting, advertisers can create a highly specific audience based on the consumer’s recent search behavior.

Advertisers can create a custom intent audience by entering keywords related to their product, and Google will use this information to show ads to prospects who are actively searching for those keywords.

This targeting tool allows advertisers to reach users who are highly interested in their product already and are more likely to convert.

For instance, a real estate agency may create a custom intent audience based on prospects searching for keywords related to “real estate agents” or “buying a house.”

Custom intent targeting can be combined with other targeting tools, such as geographic or demographic targeting, to create a highly targeted and powerful advertising strategy.

#8. Lookalike audience targeting

Google Display Ads Lookalike audience targeting allows advertisers to reach new users who are similar to their current customers.

This targeting tool uses information from the advertiser’s existing customer base, such as website visitors or email lists to identify common characteristics and create a “lookalike” audience campaign.

Google then leverages this data to find consumers who share similar characteristics to the advertiser’s existing customers and shows them the targeted ads.

Similar audience targeting can be a powerful way to reach new prospects who are likely to be interested in the advertiser’s product.

For instance, an online clothing retailer may leverage similar audience targeting to reach new consumers who have similar interests, tastes, and demographics as their existing customers.

Lookalike audience targeting can be utilized in combination with other targeting tools, such as interest or demographic targeting, to create a highly targeted and powerful advertising strategy.

By choosing the right combination of targeting options, you can ensure that your ads reach the right consumers at the right time and place, which can help improve the performance of your Google Display Advertising campaign.

How Can I Optimize My Google Display Ads Campaign to Improve its Performance?

Optimizing your Google Display Ads campaign will help improve its performance and ensure that you are getting the most out of your ad budget.

Here are some strategies for optimizing your Google Display Ads campaign:

#1. Set clear goals: Identify your campaign goals and what you want to achieve with your ad campaigns, whether it’s increasing brand awareness, driving sales, or generating leads. This will help you tailor your targeting and ad creative to meet your ad goals.

#2. Refine your targeting: leverage the various targeting options available to reach your target audience. Monitor and measure your campaign performance regularly and adjust your targeting as needed to improve performance.

#3. Test your ad creative: Create several ad variations with different images, headlines, and calls to action to see what resonates better with your audience. Test these variations against each other to discover the most effective ad creative.

#4. Monitor your campaign frequently: Keep an eye on your ad campaign’s performance metrics, such as click-through rates and conversions, to spot any areas that need improvement.

Use this data to make informed decisions about adjusting your ad targeting.

#5. Optimize your landing pages: Ensure that your landing pages are optimized for good conversion and provide a smooth user experience. Ensure the messaging and offer on your landing page agrees with your ad creative to maximize conversion rates.

#6. Consider using automated bidding: Google’s automated bidding options, such as Target ROAS or Target CPA can help optimize your campaign performance and ensure that you are getting the most out of your ad budget.

By following these tips and frequently monitoring and adjusting your campaign, you can optimize your Google Display Ads campaign to improve its performance and achieve your advertising objectives.


Display Ads can be a powerful way to reach a wide audience and increase brand awareness, as they are displayed on different websites across the internet.

They can also be highly targeted using multiple targeting options, such as demographics, interests, and behaviors, to reach the specific audience most likely to be interested in your product.

However, the success of Display Ads can vary depending on various factors such as your industry, competition, targeting, ad creative, and budget.

It’s important to monitor your campaign performance frequently and make adjustments as needed to ensure that you are getting the most out of your ad budget.

Overall, Google Display Ads can be a valuable addition to your advertising strategy when used strategically and in combination with other advertising channels. They can help increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, and generate leads and sales when targeted effectively.

Terhemba Ucha

Terhemba Ucha

Terhemba has over 11 years of digital marketing and specifically focuses on paid advertising on social media and search engines. He loves tech and kin in learning and sharing his knowledge with others. He consults on digital marketing and growth hacking.

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