Cheap traffic – How to get quality cheap web traffic

Cheap web traffic
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Getting cheap web traffic these days is every online business owner’s desire. However, it’s not always possible due to the high demand for traffic and the market’s competitive nature.

Though it’s though, there are multiple proven ways and techniques used by brands and marketers to drive quality cheap traffic to their websites.

The two major ways to get traffic online are either by SEO or buying traffic from Ad networks.

SEO, which is search engine optimization takes a lot of time and requires hard work with consistency over a period of time.

The other way to buy traffic is faster but costs a lot of money to buy a significant amount of traffic to make sales.

In this article, I will be sharing with you how you can take advantage of our platform which is built for the sole purpose of helping online businesses drive cheap quality traffic to their websites and grow their businesses.

So what is it?

Intro to AdsTargets

First, our platform Adstargets is an Ad network that ensures advertisers can easily buy quality traffic directly from publishers at cheaper rates but with highly profitable margins.

The goal here is to make sure 80% to 95% of the cost of advertisers’ revenue goes directly to the publishers.

This way, they make more money than monetizing their traffic with other media giants that pay them below 50% of the ad revenue generated.

It’s not just the cost aspects but also so many other benefits that you should consider running your ad campaigns with AdsTargets.

here is what you need to know.

AdsTargets Ad formats

It should interest you to know AdsTargets has almost all the ad formats to suit your desire. Most of the innovative ad formats that have a reputation for high conversion rates are available here.

Let’s look at some of these advertising formats

#1. Native Ads

Our native ads are displayed in two ways: Image + text or only as text ads.

It’s one of the fastest-growing ad formats and is loved by publishers across all niches and industries as they appear to be less intrusive.

Our Native Ads are customizable to either be responsive or fixed on publishers’ websites.

These ads blend with the content on the displaying website disguised as suggested content placed in strategic positions to attract potential customers to click on, making it one of the most innovative forms of advertising.

native ads

#2. Text and Image Ads

A beautiful display of text and image ads together allows advertisers to show images and a description of their products and services.

These ads are viral among other display advertising ad formats and cost-effective.

Our Platform offers advertisers a great opportunity to showcase their products and services to millions of internet users daily online.

Text and image ads

#3. eCommerce Ads

Our platform offers a great opportunity for eCommerce store owners, affiliate markers, and classified site owners to advertise their products and services with beautiful and unique ads to attract customers.

These eCommerce ads are displayed with the product image, product price(s), Product name, discount, and a call to action (CTA) button to entice audiences to take necessary actions.

This is a highly flexible customizable display layout that can display only image and price or only image, Image + text, Only text.

eCommerce ads

#4. Banner Ads and HTML5 Banners

AdsTargets offers multiple types of traditional display banner ads. We provide all banner sizes, including rectangles, skyscrapers, leaderboards, and custom banners for specific regions.

These ads are designed to deliver high engagement for both publishers and Advertisers, providing the best advertising experience.

HTML5 banners that have a high capacity to draw your target audience’s attention to your website cause be effectively run here.

#5. Interstitial Ads

Our Interstitial ads offer massive revenue opportunities for publishers while delivering high conversion rates for advertisers.

These appear on web pages and mobile devices while the user is on the page or while the page is loading, or when the user is about to leave the page.

Take advantage of these to drive high conversions as an advertiser to reach your audience.

Utilize those valuable spare moments in between web pages to reach your audience with an immersive ad experience.

#6. Video Ads

Reach your customers using VAST and HTML5 Video Ads based on the cost-per-view (CPV) pricing model.

Our video advertising is optimized and responsive to fit all desktop and mobile devices.

Our video advertising offers advertisers the opportunity to showcase their products and services and most importantly use Adstargets Video Ads to tell their brand story to a large audience locally and globally.

video ads

Here are our video ads features

•Optimized for both desktop and mobile devices.
•CPV (Cost Per View) based on video advertisements.
•VAST (Video Ad Serving Template) tags for VAST players.
•Linear ads (pre-roll, post-roll, mid-roll) in VAST tags.
•Non-linear ads (text and banner) in VAST tags.
•HTML5 video player code for web pages.
•Start your video ads campaign today to grow your brand visibility, increase sales at a cheaper ad rate, and ultimately boost your profit.

Targeting options

Irrespective of your audience location, size, and active hours, we have all it takes to target your audience.

here are some of the ways you can target your audience using our platform

#1. Keywords Targeting

Keyword targeting is used in many platforms to target ads. It has proven to be a very effective way of targeting ads as it matches your target audience’s search queries and interest in terms of display ads.

We have keyword targeting options that enable advertisers to target a specific audience based on specific websites and search behavior.

Keywords Targeting

#2. Category targeting

Hence our publishers register their blogs based on particular categories, which allows the system to display ads on publishers’ websites or blog categories wise making ads more targeted.

If, for example, a publisher’s site content is more of sports or only sports. It’s great for advertisers to place sports ads placed on only sites where their category is sports.

Category targeting

#3. Time Targeting

It’s beneficial to target ads to specific regions based on their time or when they believe the targeted audience will be more active.

This saves advertisers’ budgets and optimizes ad performance and overall ad ROI.

Also, our time targeting options allows advertisers to choose a particular period they want to run their ads, for example, only from Monday to Friday, which also helps save ad budget.

Time Targeting

#4. Device targeting

If you are running ads targeting locations where you believe mobile devices are most used, you have a choice to target only mobile users or desktop devices.

On the other hand, you can choose to target only desktop users, especially if you want them to take actions that require a desktop device to complete.

Device targeting

#5. Browser Targeting

There are many browsers, and many people use different browsers for specific reasons. Due to these reasons, we have allowed advertisers to target the audience based on their browser type.

For example, Yandex is a trendy browser in Russia and Russian-speaking countries, and this presents a good opportunity to target an audience based on browser popularity in certain countries.


Considering the importance of retargeting campaigns, we have built a system that helps get people who interacted with your ads to see more of your retargeting ads.

This helps increase your ad visibility and the frequency with those ads are shown to get a specific audience to revisit your website, make purchases, sign up for a trial or convert.

It is important to retarget ads after you have some data collected from your initial ads.

Pricing models

Most of our Ad formats can be served using all pricing models such as Cost per action (CPA), Cost per 1000 mile (CPM), and Cost per click (CPC).

Depending on your campaign goal, you can choose one or more pricing models to run your ads in order to maximize your advertising return on ad spend (ROAS).

Budget control

As an advertiser, You absolutely have the ability to set and control how much you spend. This is also a way to control the budget and spend wisely to get the maximum ROI on your advertising.

Budget settings


This was a concise introduction to our platform design to help businesses and marketers get quality traffic to grow their businesses.

It’s possible to get cheap web traffic but only if you are on the right platform such as AdsTargets.

Eugene Agoh

Eugene Agoh

Founder at AdsTargets | Online advertising expert | Search engine optimisation expert | Social media marketing expert.Eugene is a Passionate writer on topics relating to online advertising, branding and generally interested in creating digital marketing content. He is curious about the future of digital advertising.Follow Eugene on LinkedIn @ eugeneagoh

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