Best Mobile Advertising Tips for Online Marketers

Mobile Advertising Tips
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Mobile Advertising tips needed by online marketers is what we set out to provide in this blog post. Since mobile advertising has become one of the most preferred advertising methods for internet marketers.

It has been estimated that over 70% of online advertisers have used some form of mobile advertising.

It has become very important for internet marketers to target potential customers using mobile ads. This is because almost all types of mobile advertising are known to be effective and cheaper.

In this article, we are going to review the best mobile advertising tips to boost your campaigns.
Let’s lets start with the basics terms and most asked questions about mobile advertising and mobile marketing

What is mobile marketing?

Even though our main focus here is to give you mobile advertising tips, we have to lay a foundation so you can be familiar with other mobile advertising terms, so before heading to mobile advertising tips.

 I would like to make things very simple here by saying, mobile marketing is a marketing strategy that is aimed at reaching a target audience through their mobile devices such as smartphones, Ipads, tablets, etc through websites, mobile apps, SMS, MMS, social media, emails and so on.

It might surprise you to know that the number of searches done on mobile has surpassed desktop since 2015 according to Google.

Also, more than 80% of internet users have sought of a mobile device that is connected to the internet which makes mobile marketing even more important.

Now, Understanding what is mobile marketing is one thing, doing it effectively is another, so… to give you a brief explanation of what is effective mobile marketing is,

Mobile Advertising Tips

we simply say,…
Effective mobile marketing is the process Or if you like, the strategy of creating and sharing content to reach your target audience through their mobile devices.

This might be separated into various forms such as mobile advertising which includes, banner ads, text ads, and interstitials also known as full-screen ads.
Others include crafting content, emails, social media images and text, In apps content that will be attractive and engaging on mobile devices to increase engagement and conversions.

Do not forget you have to take into consideration while creating content for mobile users the size and length, position of such content should be considered.         

Mobile-friendly Website 

If you are into online marketing or online advertising, you know probably know that having a mobile-friendly website is no longer an option but a must-do for your business.

Since 2015, Google made mobile friendly-website as a ranking factor considering the search volume that comes from mobile searches. 

Is that surprising to you? please don’t say yes cause am about to show you something very important. Let’s just see some of the reasons why you need to make your website mobile-friendly.

According to Google Ads, 29% of smartphone users will immediately switch to another website or App if your mobile site is slow 40% of mobile users left websites that take longer than 3 seconds to load.

PageSpeed Insights

These statistics are centered on website speed which is one of the key factors of mobile-friendly websites. To check out the speed of your website, use GoogleSpeed Insights to see what you need to fix to improve your website speed.

To determine your website’s speed, you can use Google’s Page Speed Insights or EXPERTE’s Bulk Mobile Friendly Test. The latter is free to use and automatically crawls your entire website, reviewing either 500 URLs or 60 seconds worth of pages.

The best part? You won’t need to copy and paste each URL into the tool to see if the page is mobile-friendly or not. Alternatively, you can input a custom list or URLs that you’d like to check mobile-friendliness on. Should an issue be identified, by clicking on the link, the Google Page Speed Insights assessment of it will open.
Another factor is your website content. This means your website content must appear visible and in the right positions for your audience to see and interact which translate to…

  • Website text should be readable
  • Content should have the appropriate size so that mobile users don’t have to zoom
  • Placing links for easy tapping
  • Using common software
Google mobile friendly test

In between, You can check if your website is mobile-friendly by using Google mobile-friendly test

For more information on why and how you should optimize your mobile website, please watch the video below from Google ads

Mobile app marketing

Mobile App Marketing is another great form of mobile marketing using mobile Apps to attract and convert your potential customers or users to loyal customers or mobile users.

It has great potential to really affect your marketing efforts as a company or an individual.

If we consider the number of people using mobile Apps you make purchases in the last few years, the numbers are huge and growing which presents a great opportunity for your business to start using mobile App marketing to attract more customers. 

Types of mobile advertising

Since we have covered some of the basics about the confusing terms, Let’s look at the types of mobile advertising you should be running as an online marketer or an advertiser. 

Mobile Banner Ads 

Banner ads also known as display ads are still the most popular ads online and engaging in mobile banner ads will be one of the most profitable ad formats if placed in the right places. While designing banners for mobile advertising,

Mobile Banner Ads formats

You should take into consideration making it responsive and also should not be placed where the mobile user will still be able to access their information.

We recommend placing banner ads at the bottom of the mobile but at the same time, it should be attractive enough for mobile users to see them. 

Mobile Native Ads

mobile native ads are great ads format that is designed to blend with the content of mobile apps. these ads look as if they are part of the content or mobile App.

In most cases, the mobile user so not recognize that mobile native ads are actually Ads, these ads also have common features like banner ads but are simply meant to blend more with the content and the App on the mobile device

Mobile Interstitial Ads

Mobile interstitial ads are also known as full-screen ads that cover the mobile screen mostly when users spend some minutes on Apps. These ads have great potential to capture mobile users’ attention and increase conversions.

mobile interstitial Ads
Image credit:

Mobile interstitials have very high click-through rates simply because the user in most cases will have to manually close those ads before carrying on using their App.

Mobile interstitial Ads come in form of images and video Ads.
We advertise online marketers not to overuse mobile interstitial ads in order not to discourage mobile users from
using those Apps or mobile content. 

Mobile Video Ads

Mobile video ads also made our list of mobile advertising tips because they are a great way of targeting and converting mobile users.

The fact is, mobile video ads are known to be less distractive compared to banner and interstitial ads.

Mobile Video Ads tips
Image credit:

Mobile users are known to pay more attention to video ads even more than desktop video ads.

Video ads can be used on mobile devices easily both in Apps and websites to capture the attention of the audience.

The cost of video advertising is expected to hit 7 billion dollars in 2019 because of its potential to increase conversion rates.

We advise that make video Ads that are simple to understand with clear and concise content both visually and in sound, and be creative and rewarding in your video ads.

Mobile Rich Media Ads

We can’t make a list of great mobile advertising tips and forget to include rich media ads. This is another great form of mobile advertising that helps you stand out among your competitors when advertising on mobile devices. 

Mobile rich media ads

Mobile rich media ads use videos, texts, audio, mini-games, and images in the best way possible to stimulate brand awareness and increase conversion rates.

Media-rich ads in their nature do now interrupt mobile users or discourage them to quit sessions which is another plus and a reason you should try out mobile media-rich ads

Mobile advertising companies

We now encourage you to take action and start mobile advertising with AdsTargets Ad Networks.

We have great in-house built tools to enable you to excel in your mobile advertising campaign.

We also have experts who are willing to guild you through the process of creating great mobile advertising campaigns to make sure you achieve your mobile advertising goal.


We hope the above mobile advertising tips enhance your mobile advertising.

We would go on and on but our tradition remains to make moderate content so as not to get you bored. However, we can continue our conversation in the comment section.

Let us know your thought about mobile advertising

Eugene Agoh

Eugene Agoh

Founder at AdsTargets | Online advertising expert | Search engine optimisation expert | Social media marketing expert.Eugene is a Passionate writer on topics relating to online advertising, branding and generally interested in creating digital marketing content. He is curious about the future of digital advertising.Follow Eugene on LinkedIn @ eugeneagoh

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