Are you a marketer selling all these things but never quite hitting it big with your business?
Are you coming up with mind-blowing marketing ideas that always end still end up not blowing up your return on investment (ROI)?
You get super excited and invest so much time and money into your business and don’t find much to reap from your marketing efforts.
Allow me to tell you that something is missing, which are seeing yet. Would continue into this article that will provide the missing link or do you wish to continue casting your marketing efforts broadly but blindly?
Just like you, a lot of marketers are on this guide now on the lookout for new, bright, and shiny money-making copywriting ideas on the table for them to pick.
Some have missed their ways and you should consider yourself lucky to stumble upon this guy who is about telling you about all great copywriting strategies to use and step up your marketing campaign
I believe that you are already smiling because you have come to the solution center for all your marketing challenges.
Okay, before we go deeper into the conversation, here is part of the missing link, What you think doesn’t matter as much as what everyone out there thinks about your brand.
The major misstep you have failed to get right in all your years of selling is getting into your customer’s mind, and truly finding out what their simple biggest pain point is.
And creating the simple biggest solution to that pain point. You have always assumed that you know so much already about your target audience that you should know more, but how wrong you were with that impression?
In this guide, I have taken it upon myself to walk you through the fine road to plot your market properly and hit your target exactly where they are and at the exact time they needed to hear from you and to make sure that your next ad copy addresses them more personally and correctly.
Table of Contents
TogglePowerful Copywriting strategies that Digital Marketers Should Steal
#1. Be Honest About Your Product, People Can Smell Bad Smell From A Mile Away
Being honest with customers about your product builds instant credibility and helps create more trust.
It takes guts to resist the urge to sugarcoat or dance around an issue with customers, and they know it.
When you inform them why their order is late or why they got the wrong item twice and take responsibility, they see that your business is built with and around integrity
#2. Ditch Product Comparison
Product comparison is a risky strategy I mean very wrong marketing foot to shoot forward, it makes you come across as desperate. But hear this, once upon a time, it was a risk that could pay off, especially for new brands that needed to get buyers’ attention quickly but had only a fraction of their competitors’ advertising dollars.
Comparison ads strategies were a way to succinctly communicate their value and why buyers should try their products over the ones they already tried.
Today, product comparison is an outdated and ineffective marketing strategy. Thanks to social media and digital marketing, brands don’t have to spend millions of dollars to get in front of consumers.
They can put content on their websites, YouTube, and social media platforms. And in an era of eroding public trust, product comparisons can turn off buyers.
That’s why creative brands, even the newbies with sad budgets-are ditching comparison marketing to adopt brand storytelling.
#3. Sell the Benefit and End-Result Rather than the Features
Selling benefits instead of features makes it a lot easier to charge higher prices. You can differentiate your product by creating a story that emphasizes intangibles. This allows you to justify a higher price than a generic product.
For instance, many products command a higher price just because they are from known brands. They may have the same features, but buyers may be willing to pay a premium by emphasizing intangible benefits.
#4. Be Specific About your Product
Be very specific about the products you are selling, it makes your products stand out.
Try to specify exactly what you are marketing. Many brands have difficulty telling the market what they are selling.
Be exact: If you sell energy drinks or shoes then it is fairly easy to say the exact product.

#5. Evoke Rich Sensory Feelings with Useful Words
Copywriting is so much more than the stringing of words. It has to influence the human mind and evoke emotion that encourages the target consumer to take action.
Whether that action is to subscribe to an email newsletter, follow a brand’s social media page, or eventually make a purchase – aiming consumers in the right direction takes finesse.
This is to say words are essential. Using the right words in your copy can lead to success. Whereas using the wrong words may dissuade a potential customer from taking action and never convert into a paying customer.
#6. Be Concise, Avoid Unnecessary word
Get to the point as soon as possible and don’t use unnecessary words.
Unnecessary words usages often dilute the meaning of your messages, so read through drafts to remove words that are redundant and needless).
For instance, in “connect”, the word `together `is redundant and needless
If users can’t understand your writing, then you may as well communicate nothing at all. Those ground-breaking ideas you have had don’t count for much if you have no way to communicate them clearly, and your opinion carries no weight if it can’t be spelled out.
#7. Use repetition, until Your Point is Made
This sounds a bit counterintuitive in the context of the last point however; repetition when properly spread out is proven to make your copy more memorable.
Repetition is good in copywriting, when you write copy; assume your reader has the memory of a goldfish. Give them the information many times throughout your copy.
That way, as they scan through, they will leave understanding what it is you are marketing and why they should purchase from you.
#8. Use Exclusivity Whenever Necessary. Tailor Your Copywriting to a Target Audience
Don’t be afraid to shoot your product at an audience (e.g. teenage boys living in Chicago) when necessary.
The exclusivity felt by the audience can be well worth the few you will alienate.
Movies and TV shows have long attempted to find humor in situations where people don’t know how to talk to each other.
Older people use long-obsolete slang and cite long-gone figures, while younger people make use of idioms that came into being yesterday or cite bands that no one else in the older generation knows about.
The theme is tired from a comic stance, but there is a lesson in it for copywriters – to get your point across, your writing has to use the voice of your intended audience.
Copywriting doesn’t just require passing a message; it requires reaching out in a way that feels right to the people you are targeting.
While you don’t have to entirely mimic the target consumer (nor should you, because it might come off as mockery), you should use enough of the language and rhythm to sound like one of them.
Humor is a powerful tool in both traditional and digital marketing but can backfire when it falls flat on the wrong audience.
#9. Headlines that Carry an Element Of News Are Powerful
80% of people are going to read your headline; you can make the maximum impact by writing effective headlines.
Writing power-packed headlines has always been an important part of the copywriting process.
And don’t be afraid of using longer headlines (about 10 words) over super-short ones if they convey the point better.
#10. Use illustrations
A picture says a thousand words and our brains could process images well before they could process language.
As much as I love writing, images, illustrations, and videos can tell a story faster than words. Used within a page of sales copy, they can also act as visual hooks to catch the eye of your target immediately.
#11. Use social proof and real testimonials from people similar to the target audience.
Social proof is a powerful ingredient for today`s marketing, the concept is old, but as the accessibility of the internet has improved, social proofing has become today’s shape to watch.
It is a highly influential factor in the decision-making process, especially when consumers are uncertain about an outcome; they make decisions according to the experience, opinions, and actions of others.
#12. Don’t hide the price of your product
Don’t hide the price of your product, stop doing it, it’s a bad tradition in marketing.
Expose your prices early enough for your target customers to see and make decisions if to go through your sales funnel.
There’s a common misconception that exposing your prices early might chase your prospects
It is a misconception because doing otherwise will bring you nothing positive
Blindfolding your potential customer through your funnel won’t make them convert.
Imagine you take your prospective buyer on a long walk through your sales funnel and finally unravel the price you were concealing
And then your price is outside and above the budget of your customers, they will still dust their feet in your funnel and walk off.
During your sales cycle, you have invested time (weeks or months) and money in both finding a customer and selling your product.
If you wait till the end of the sales cycle to reveal your price, and it’s outside of your potential customers’ budget, you cannot recover that time and money spent.
#13. Don’t Use overly complex words to sound clever. More Customers will feel alienated than impressed.
It’s tragic to read some copywriters try to sound smart by using big words. Even more tragic is that some people fuel and encourage the practice.
In my experience as a copywriter, people considered smart use common words to avoid distracting their readers from their ideas and meaning in a sales copy.
#14. Use bold and italics for emphasis whenever necessary
I prefer upper case because italics are harder to read online. But I worry people will think I am SHOUTING at them.
Plus there is an acronym in there, which has to be in upper case, and some readers may mistake the US to mean America.
#15. Use short sentences and paragraphs to create suitable breathing room
Write short sentences and paragraphs and cover one topic per paragraph. Long paragraphs discourage readers from even trying to understand your content.
Short paragraphs and sentences are easier to read and understand. Copywriting experts recommend paragraphs of not more than 150 words in three to eight sentences.
If you have a list of unrelated facts then list them instead of trying to cram them into a paragraph. The brain appreciates lists.

#16. Write Headlines that stop your readers in their tracks
Writing good headlines is of prime importance, once you know that, you wonder how to go about it.
Great headlines can attract huge website traffic to you. Even though writing a good headline is not the only parameter of your success as a writer, it makes sure that your material would be read by a good percentage of visitors.
Before you begin, remember the four U’s approach while writing your headlines.
#1. Urgency: It should feel urgent to get the visitor want to read it quickly
#2. Uniqueness: It should give the idea that it is somehow different from the usual content available
#3. Usefulness: The reader should find it valuable
#4. Ultra-specific: Because the reader does not want to spend time looking for grain in the hay, be as specific as possible
#17. Know that a Headline is a Promise
Keep in mind that a headline is a promise that you make to the users that the content that follows the headline would be what the headline says it
#18. Find out what copy your competition uses.
This can offer you an idea of what’s already working.
It is difficult to get those headlines straight out of your mind.
A little peek into the winning and attention-grabbing headlines of the past can be very beneficial. Many copywriters keep a collection of old books, newspapers, and any other material that became popular.
#19. Target the Buyer`s Emotions
Emotions play a big role in all decision-making, so determining how to evoke emotion is a great copywriting hack that every copywriter who is worth his onions should adopt.
Targeting the consumer`s emotions may at first sound manipulative, but it is actually meeting a specific need of a subset of buyers out there.
Yes, it may narrow who your target buyer becomes, but can truly speak to their mindset in a manner that encourages action.
#20. Smoothly Slide One Sentence into the Next
You want your audience to continue reading, so you craft each sentence so it smoothly “slides” into the next.
By creating fascinating sentences that build excitement, there is a higher chance your audiences will continue to the end of your copy.
Begin with an attention-grabbing headline, and continue to draw the audience in with each sentence, propelling them to want to continue reading to the end.
Copywriting helps online marketers to communicate with a wide range of customers directly without any problem.
It helps them to generate persuasive content that helps to achieve their sales goal. You have to rank on Google to get more sales, and copywriting will help you to convert your temporary visitors into loyal buyers.
But to achieve this, marketers need to adopt great copywriting strategies and that is what this article has supplied, I hope these strategies take your online marketing campaign to the next level.