What are Native advertising examples? This was the question we received yesterday. The fact is, native advertising still remains unpopular among many advertisers and online businesses.
This is partly because most online businesses fail to understand the positive impact of native advertising.
The percentage of businesses and advertisers that actually know about native advertising and how it works is not much.
However, there is so much to gain engaging in native advertising as a business and here is why?.
Your ads are highly targeted and your conversion rate is higher compared to many other forms of advertising. You can actually get a high ROI from your native advertising campaigns.
On the other hand, publishers make a lot of money monetising their traffic with native ads. Let’s go through some of the native advertising examples that work for online businesses and publishers.
Table of Contents
ToggleNative Advertising Definition
According to Wikipedia, Native advertising is a type of advertising that matches the form and function of the platform upon which it appears. In many cases, it functions like an advertorial and manifests as a video, article or editorial
As the years pass by, more publishers try to monetize their traffic through their websites, blogs, and vlogs.
However, there is one advertising method that most of the viewers do not distinguish and publishers prefer to include on their websites.
Of course, we are talking about Native Advertising. But what is Native Advertising?
“Native Advertising is a paid advertising form that can be placed and adapt to the user’s interface and experience of the online platform on which it will be embedded„
Now that we have laid strong foundations, we are going to give you the best of Native Advertising Examples.
Ensure you will go through the article till the end, we assure you that you will understand everything you need to know about Native Advertising.
Native Advertising Examples
In-Feed Native Ads, Social Media Ads, and Product Ads
Starting with In-Feed Native Ads, they can be found across websites with content as publications (Forbes) or news as Facebook and Twitter.

This type of advertisement is displayed between the feed of a website or blog content to match the format and most importantly with the content of the hosting website.
In-Feed Product Ads, also known as Promoted Listings, is pretty much similar to In-Feed Native ads. The format of the advertisement will match the shopping list of the website and the products also.
This type of In-Feed advertising differs from website to website and the manner it’s displayed. Online shops are the most common businesses that use In-Feed Product advertising.
For you to be clear about what we are talking about here, please take a look at the displayed image below.

Native Advertising Example

Native Advertising Example
As you can see in our examples of amazon and eBay listing promotions are two of the biggest e-businesses that are using this technique.
The smooth transition and continuity between the ads and the main list is the main characteristic that governs these types of native advertising.
Some extra examples, to go through and check by yourself about Product Ads can be found on websites like Foursquare, Etsy, and Google. As In-Feed Ads when you search
Search Ads
Paid Search Advertising is the most famous native advertising example. You probably come across search ads every time you are surfing around the web through search engines.
Paid Search Ads referred to search engine marketing (SEM). Yahoo, Google, Bing, and Ask are using the really first positions of their pages (and not only) for advertising and as In-Feed Ads when you are typing a query the search engines will return organic and paid results.

Branded Content Ads
Branded content comes in many forms such as an article, a video, a podcast, or anything that adds value to the customer’s experience and helps to create a connection with the brand.
Branded Content in contrast with the previous examples is targeted to evoke the audience’s emotions and guide them to the brand instead of a sales pitch.
The publishers mention the paid nature of the content when publishing native content. Let’s elaborate more on this example of a native advertisement and analyze 3 basic features of Branded Content.
- Feature No.1
Its purpose is to create brand talk. One of the key guides for creating branded content is its ability to create a buzz around the brand rather than make a sale. - Feature No.2
Targets the Audiences’ Feelings. Instead of giving reasonable explanations for calling the audience to action, Branded Content Ads try to make a personal connection and leverage their emotions. Most of the time it tells a story about the brand in an ingenious way. - Feature No.3
Data-driven. With branded content advertisements companies can measure the response they get from a campaign and create a campaign that will strike a chord.
Content Recommendation Ads
Content recommendation advertising platforms place links beneath or next to articles or blog posts on a given website. The format is always pretty similar to one of the websites already has, in order not to interrupt the flow of the page design and also the content.

The most famous platforms for Recommended Content Ads are Taboola and Outbrain.
Taboola is collaborating with some of the biggest publishers like Bloomberg, Business Insider, CBC NEWS, and more. Outbrain collaborates with CNN, SKY News, The Guardian, and more.
Content Recommendation in our opinion is a good option for publishers with quality content and with a lot of quantity. The reason for that is because of the recommendations may lead the viewer to leave the website.
Mobile Native Ads
If you have ever played or tried any kind of mobile game, you have probably come across Mobile Native Advertising. This type of native advertising can take a format of the video that matches the content.

Mobile Native Advertising brings value to the user (player) by giving him extra credits/rewards after he clicks on the ad and goes through the entire video advertisement.
As an advertiser, if you want to increase brand awareness, better advertising performance, and higher engagement mobile native advertising is one of the best ways.
Summarizing all the above, let’s agree that Native Advertising examples with user-friendly designs that do not distract the attention of viewers and content similar to publishers are one of the most elegant types of online advertising.
For publishers is a perfect choice to embed it on their website as CTR from native advertising is really high.
For advertisers can be a profitable option to reach potential clients and create brand awareness.
Now, if you have tried native advertising either as a publisher or as an advertiser, please let us know your experience in the comment section below.
One Response
I have read your topic and come to know many new effects of native advertising. In many cases, it functions like an advertorial and manifests as a video, article, or editorial. If you want to advertise and publish ads, explore the platform Adapex. For more information please visit our website.