Long Vs Short Blog Post: Finding Your Style

Long Vs Short Blog Post: Finding Your Style
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Have you ever stared at a blank screen, wondering how long your next blog post should be? The eternal debate of long versus short content has been swirling around the digital realm for ages. Well, grab your thinking caps because we’re diving right into it!

Picture this: You’re scrolling through your favorite blog, and there it is—a mammoth post that seems to stretch to infinity.

But hey, it’s packed with information, right? On the flip side, you stumble upon a snack-sized post that delivers a quick punch of wisdom and leaves you wanting more.

In our corner today, we’ve got the heavyweight champ, the Long Post! These behemoths offer in-depth analyses, comprehensive guides, and room for your creativity to flow like a river.

But don’t underestimate the underdog, the Short Post! It’s all about crisp, concise insights that fit your busy reader’s schedule.

So, which style should you choose? Well, we’re about to unravel the mysteries and help you uncover your own writing superpower.

Whether you’re team long, short, or still figuring it out, this post will be your guiding light. Ready to embark on this writing adventure? Let’s find YOUR perfect style!

Why Is There A Debate About Long Versus Short Content?

Long Vs Short Blog Post: Finding Your Style

#1. Attention Span: Some people argue that in today’s fast-paced world, people have shorter attention spans and prefer quick, bite-sized content. They believe that short content is more likely to hold people’s attention and convey information effectively.

#2. Depth of Information: On the other hand, supporters of long content say that it allows for a more in-depth exploration of a topic. Long-form content can provide detailed explanations, examples, and context, which can help readers or viewers gain a better understanding of complex subjects.

#3. SEO and Ranking: From a digital marketing perspective, long content is often favored for search engine optimization (SEO). Search engines like Google tend to rank longer, comprehensive articles higher because they often cover a wider range of keywords and offer more value to readers.

#4. Audience Preferences: The debate also takes into account the preferences of the audience. Some people prefer quick, concise information that they can quickly skim through, while others enjoy diving into a detailed piece that thoroughly addresses their questions.

#5. Engagement and Shareability: Short content, like social media posts or quick videos, can be more shareable and easier to consume, potentially leading to more engagement and reach. On the other hand, longer content may have a smaller but more engaged audience who appreciate the depth of information.

#6. Context and Platform: The choice between long and short content can depend on the platform you’re using. Social media platforms, for instance, are better suited for shorter content due to their format and user behavior. Blogs, articles, and videos on certain platforms might be better for longer content.

#7. Time Constraints: Creating long content requires more time and effort. Some creators prefer short content because it allows them to produce content more quickly, while others are willing to invest the time to create comprehensive pieces.

#8. Mobile and On-the-Go: With the increasing use of mobile devices, short content is often more convenient for people who want to consume content on the go. Long content might be better suited for when people have more time to sit down and read or watch.

#9. Balance: Ultimately, finding the right balance between long and short content can be important. A mix of both can cater to different preferences and situations. Some topics might naturally lend themselves to being explained briefly, while others require a deeper dive.

#10. Experimentation: It’s also worth noting that different audiences and platforms may respond differently. Experimenting with both long and short content can help content creators understand what works best for their specific goals and target audience.

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this debate. It’s all about understanding your audience, your content goals, and the platform you’re using, and then deciding which approach aligns best with those factors.

What Are The Characteristics Of A “Mammoth” Long Post?

What Are The Characteristics Of A "Mammoth" Long Post?

Here’s a breakdown:

#1. Lengthy Exploration: A “mammoth” long post is, well, really long! It goes into extensive detail on a particular topic. Imagine it like an adventurous journey where you’re not rushing through but taking your time to explore every nook and cranny.

#2. Comprehensive Coverage: This type of post covers a topic comprehensively. It doesn’t just scratch the surface; it digs deep. It’s like a big puzzle where you’re putting all the pieces together to get a full picture.

#3. In-Depth Analysis: Instead of just giving you the basics, a “mammoth” long post dissects the topic. It breaks things down, explains the “whys” and “hows,” and offers insights that you might not have thought about before.

#4. Rich Examples: Imagine a treasure chest full of examples. That’s what you get in a “mammoth” long post. It doesn’t just tell you something, it shows you with real-life examples, making the information easier to understand and remember.

#5. Thorough Research: The creators of these posts don’t just rely on what they know. They do a lot of research to make sure the information they’re giving you is accurate and up-to-date. It’s like having a well-stocked library at your disposal.

#6. Supporting Evidence: These posts aren’t just sharing opinions; they back up their claims with evidence. It’s like a lawyer presenting a case in court – they bring in facts, data, and other people’s opinions to support their arguments.

#7. Structured Organization: Since these posts are big, they need a clear structure. They’re often divided into sections or chapters, kind of like a book. This helps you navigate through the content and find what you’re interested in.

#8. Addressing Various Aspects: Imagine you’re looking at a diamond from every angle to appreciate its beauty. That’s what a “mammoth” long post does with a topic. It looks at different aspects, angles, and viewpoints to give you a well-rounded understanding.

#9. Time and Effort: Creating a “mammoth” long post takes a lot of time and effort. It’s like crafting a masterpiece. Writers or creators put in a ton of work to make sure it’s valuable, accurate, and worth your time.

#10. Actionable Insights: These posts don’t just give you information – they help you apply it too. They might include tips, steps, or advice you can actually use. It’s like getting a recipe and cooking instructions all in one.

#11. Engaging Visuals: To make sure you don’t get bored while reading a long post, there might be engaging visuals like images, graphs, or charts. It’s like adding some colorful decorations to a really long hallway.

#12. Reader-Friendly Language: Even though it’s long and detailed, a “mammoth” post tries to use language that’s easy to understand. It’s like having a friend explain something complicated to you in a way that makes sense.

Remember, a “mammoth” long post is like a treasure trove of information. It’s not for a quick glance; it’s for when you’re ready to dive deep and really get to know a topic inside out.

What Are The Benefits Of A “Snack-Sized” Short Post?      

Here’s a breakdown:

#1. Quick and Easy: Short posts are like quick bites of information. They’re easy to read or watch, perfect for when you’re in a hurry or just want a quick dose of something interesting without spending a lot of time.

#2. Instant Gratification: When you’re hungry, you don’t want to wait long for your snack, right? Similarly, short posts offer instant gratification. You get the information you need without a long wait.

#3. Attention Span: In a world full of distractions, short posts fit well because they match our short attention spans. They’re like little teasers that grab your attention and deliver the message before you lose interest.

#4. Scannable Content: Short posts are like a well-organized menu. You can quickly scan through them, pick what you’re interested in, and move on. It’s great for finding specific bits of information without digging through a lot.

#5. Shareability: Ever seen a cute cat video that you just had to share with your friends? Short posts are easily shareable on social media or messaging apps. They’re like little nuggets of content that you can pass around easily.

#6. Bite-Sized Learning: Imagine learning something new in just a few minutes. Short posts offer bite-sized learning opportunities. It’s like having a mini classroom where you can pick up interesting facts on the go.

#7. Curiosity Sparkers: Short posts often leave you curious to know more. They’re like movie trailers that make you want to watch the whole film. They might give you a taste of a topic, making you want to explore further.

#8. Consistency: Creators can make short posts more frequently. It’s like sending a quick “hello” to your friends every day. This regularity keeps the audience engaged and builds a steady connection.

#9. Diverse Topics: With short posts, creators can cover a wide range of topics quickly. It’s like having a sampler platter at a restaurant – you get a taste of various things without committing to a full course.

#10. Mobile-Friendly: Short posts are perfect for mobile devices. They fit well on small screens and are great for those moments when you’re waiting in line or on public transport.

#11. Experimentation: Creators can try out new ideas without investing too much time. It’s like testing a new recipe with a small batch before making a whole meal.

#12. Engaging Visuals: Since short posts are concise, creators often use engaging visuals to make their point. It’s like adding some colorful toppings to your favorite dish.

#13. Low Commitment: Reading or watching a short post doesn’t require a big commitment. It’s like having a snack before deciding if you want to commit to a full meal.

Remember, “snack-sized” short posts are like the quick and satisfying treats you enjoy throughout the day. They’re not meant to replace full meals (longer content) but rather to add flavor and variety to your content consumption experience.

How Can I Choose Between Long And Short Styles?

How Can I Choose Between Long And Short Styles?

Here’s a breakdown:

#1. Know Your Audience: Consider who you’re creating content for. Are they busy individuals looking for quick tips, or are they interested in diving deep into a topic? Understanding your audience’s preferences is like choosing the right ingredients for a recipe – it makes your content more appealing.

#2. Content Goals: Think about what you want to achieve with your content. Are you aiming to provide comprehensive information, spark curiosity, or quickly share updates? Your content goals are like setting the direction for your journey – they help you choose the right path.

#3. Topic Complexity: Some topics naturally require more explanation and detail. If you’re talking about something intricate, like astrophysics, a longer style might be needed. For simpler subjects, like a quick recipe, a shorter style could work better.

#4. Platform and Format: Different platforms have different preferences. Social media often favors short and catchy content, while blogs and podcasts can accommodate longer explorations. It’s like wearing the right outfit for the occasion – your content should match the platform.

#5. Engagement Level: Consider the level of engagement you want from your audience. Long-form content tends to attract a more committed and interested audience, while short content might get more casual interactions and shares.

#6. Time and Resources: Think about how much time and effort you’re willing to invest. Creating longer content requires more resources, including research and editing. Shorter content can be produced more quickly, which might be suitable for a busy schedule.

#7. Mix and Match: You don’t have to choose just one style exclusively. Mix and match based on the topic and platform. It’s like having a versatile wardrobe – you pick the right clothes for different occasions.

#8. Analytics and Feedback: Pay attention to the response your content receives. Analyze the engagement, comments, and shares. This feedback is like a compass guiding you toward what’s working and what needs adjustment.

#9. Test and Learn: Experiment with both long and short styles to see how your audience responds. It’s like trying different ingredients to perfect a recipe. Over time, you’ll learn what resonates best with your audience.

#10. Adapt to Trends: Keep an eye on trends in content consumption. Sometimes, shorter content might be more popular due to current preferences, while at other times, long-form content might be in demand.

#11. Importance of the Message: Consider the significance of the message you’re conveying. If it’s a critical or complex topic, longer content might be necessary to ensure a clear understanding. For less important updates, shorter content could suffice.

#12. Personal Preference: Lastly, trust your own instincts and preferences. If you enjoy creating or consuming a particular style, it’s likely others will as well. Your passion is like the secret ingredient that adds flavor to your content.

Remember, the choice between long and short styles of content isn’t always black and white. It’s more like selecting the right tool for a specific job – each style has its own strengths, and the key is to find the right balance based on your goals and the preferences of your audience.

What’s The Role Of Personal Writing Style In This Decision?

#1. Authenticity: Your personal writing style is like your unique voice. It adds authenticity and personality to your content. When deciding between long and short styles, think about which format allows your voice to shine through more naturally.

#2. Comfort Zone: Consider where you feel most comfortable as a creator. If you naturally enjoy going into detail and elaborating on topics, long-form content might align with your writing style. If you’re great at distilling information down to its essence, short content could be your forte.

#3. Reader Connection: Your writing style can influence how well you connect with your audience. If your style naturally resonates with concise, impactful language, short content might be more effective. If you excel at storytelling and building rapport, longer content might be your strength.

#4. Emotional Impact: Think about how your writing style conveys emotions. Longer content might allow you to build emotional depth and connect with readers on a deeper level. On the other hand, short content can pack an emotional punch with just a few well-chosen words.

#5. Storytelling: Storytelling is often tied to personal style. If you love weaving narratives, longer content might give you more room to develop engaging stories. Short content can still include impactful anecdotes but within a more compact framework.

#6. Consistency: Your writing style contributes to the consistency of your content. If your audience is accustomed to your particular style, it’s a good idea to align your content length with what they expect. This consistency builds trust and a loyal following.

#7. Experimentation: Your personal style can evolve over time, and experimenting with different content lengths can help you discover new aspects of your style. You might find that your voice shines in unexpected ways with either long or short content.

#8. Impactful Language: Some writers excel at using impactful language to convey meaning concisely. Short content can magnify the power of your words, while longer content can provide more space for nuanced expression.

#9. Adapting to Topics: Depending on the topic, your personal writing style might naturally lend itself to either long or short content. Let the subject guide you – some topics demand a thorough exploration, while others are best served with quick insights.

#10. Finding Balance: Your personal style doesn’t have to be limited to one extreme. You can find a balance between long and short content, adapting your style to different situations and topics.

#11. Reader Expectations: Consider what your readers expect from you. If they appreciate your deep dives into subjects, longer content might be the way to go. If they enjoy your quick and snappy updates, shorter content might be more suitable.

#12. Enjoyment and Passion: Ultimately, your writing style should align with what you enjoy creating. If you’re passionate about your content, it’s likely to come through in your writing, regardless of the length.

Your personal writing style is like the seasoning that adds flavor to your content. It’s an essential ingredient in the decision-making process, guiding you toward the content length that allows you to express yourself most effectively while engaging and resonating with your audience.


The long vs. short content debate might seem like a labyrinth, but it’s really about finding what suits you best.

Whether you’re a fan of mammoth explorations or snack-sized wisdom, your style matters.

Remember, authenticity is your secret sauce, and your comfort zone is your creative playground. Connect with your audience, evoke emotions, and tell your stories – your way.

Blend both styles, adapt to trends, and enjoy the journey of experimentation. Your writing style is the heart of it all, adding that special touch to your content. So, embrace the adventure, find your balance, and let your voice shine.

Terhemba Ucha

Terhemba Ucha

Terhemba has over 11 years of digital marketing and specifically focuses on paid advertising on social media and search engines. He loves tech and kin in learning and sharing his knowledge with others. He consults on digital marketing and growth hacking.

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