There are so many creative blogs out there, getting readers to return for more and increasing visitors to your website has to do with many tricks to get your innovative blog.
The success of any blog creation relied primarily on when you use the best blogging tips whether you are into blogging or newbies. This article is therefore poised to outline the top 10 best tips to improve a creative blog.
Table of Contents
Toggle#1. WordPress vs. Blogger
The decision to venture into blogging may be right but deciding on the right blogging platform is entirely different.
Choosing a blogging platform becomes your first issue at hand. However, there are some free options like WordPress, TypePad, and Blogger. is also an option for your free account creation with amazing features since it boosts over 60 million unique monthly readers.
All these platforms offer free design themes that you can customize your blog and it’s easy to get started with. You can use online video tutorials on the web to find them. For instance, WordPress has its very own lesson list to help get you started.
Beyond, also has a free plan. However, for the sole purpose of business, WordPress has almost all the features that can guarantee the success of your blogging business with the use of fascinating themes that offer you blog designs when you paid to open a website account.
Though it will cost you, you will not regret it since your new blog wears a new look and is more professional to drive traffic.
#2. Criticism & discouragement
The world is filled with crazy actors that react differently to a post. Don’t worry about the negativity, imagine you carefully labored much to come out with a valuable post but no one reads, no page views, or emails to subscribers, this is indeed discouraging.
Be ready to deal with criticism and disagreement when you have a blog post out there no matter the content. These criticism and disagreement could build you better but learn to ignore them in most cases and stay focused.
#3. Put yourself and your content out there
When your content is top-notch and it’s been put out there by Google on their search pages, this attracts readers more. However, get more involved to persuade more using the following tools.
Social media marketing
Every game has its rules, and so is social media marketing. Once you identified your audience and are done creating valuable content designed, put it for promotion on social media platforms in line with the guideline.

Choose one of the social media platforms where your targeted audiences could easily be found bearing in mind that each social media platform has different purposes and attracts different audiences. Know what works for you and go for it!
- Pinterest is a great platform for visually oriented blogs (For example, a home decorating blog). It offers features that can make you create and post eye-catching images with links to your blog content.
- Twitter gives room for you to connect with others through (up to) 280-character tweets. You can join discussions and get your name out there.
- Facebook allows you to join or create groups — providing a sense of community. Just remember that they can and do change the rules at any time.
Start an email list. Don’t wait to start your email list, bearing in mind that the list of your followers on social media is not owned by you and it could be wiped out overnight but remember no one can take away your email list.
Once your build an email marketing service, don’t forget to create a unique offer that will attract your readers so as to become subscribers. Place pop-ups and landing pages with opt-ins that come with incentives on your blog that will easily attract readers to subscribe.
Start interacting with your readers so as to create a relationship once you have the list, always asked questions, and request feedback. This will lead to creating better content that will be appealing to your customers.
Learn SEO. Learning the basics of SEO and implementing what you learn is key. Firstly, learn how to do keyword research. Keyword research is the process of figuring out which words or phrases people use to search for information on your topic.
The display in Google searches requires adequate quality backlinks showing an indication of your content from sites that Google sees as reliable authorities on your topic or within your blogging niche.
Since “searcher intent” or what someone is looking for needs to be understood, when they type in those keyword phrases online, the idea is to make sure the content you create answers the questions searchers are asking.
The best way is to type your topic keyword into the Google search box. Then look at the top results to see what content is ranking.
Another way to see what people are asking is to use AnswerThePublic. Using this tool, you type in a topic name and then get a list of questions people are asking about the topic.

#4. Grow authentically
Slow and steady win a race, whether you consider blogging as fun or as a hobby don’t expect its success to come overnight.
Your ability to gradually grow your audience by building trust with exceptional bonus content offers can grow you authentically with time. With this growth, you don’t only see blogging as a hobby but as a profitable venture.
#5. Keep your priorities in check
Many successes achieved are through determination and persistence. Time management is paramount, don’t forget to set up and stick to your business hours, this is to avoid your business hours clashing with other engagements of yours.
Always put yourself in a check by ensuring you give people what they’re after and offer real value to their web browsing experience in terms of the content you publish.
If your content isn’t valuable people won’t read it or return to read more. Therefore, think about what you’re putting out there and give the people what they want.
#6. Pictures matter
Some of the most popular arts and creative blogs today are included with a lot of imagery. This is because people love and admire images, when they quickly scan through web pages and enjoy seeing photographs and pictures, it helps to break up text and add visual interest.
In the course of writing a quality blog, it is crucial to insert many images for it gives the audience so much to enjoy.
#7. Let your personality shine without being too personal
While you are creative in content, try to reveal more of your personality in your post, for it is one of the ways your audience will love you for it.
Many people would want to follow people not necessarily brands. Include an “about” section with an attached photograph of you if possible. People will be encouraged to like you and possibly tapped into their emotions you’ll encourage loyalty with a happy mood while returning visitors.
#8. Don’t rely on blogging to define yourself
To find passion in engaging in other activities does it really worth it? Very well, it does because often you may get the odd negative comments on your blog, don’t let this act put you off from blogging.
Though it may become necessary since life doesn’t revolve around a post or that of the reader, quitting may be an option. So what happens thereafter? The key decision becomes necessary, don’t forget.
#9. Be true
As a good bloggers, concentrate on writing about what you love most that keep you going in the blogging world. Your passion for writing blog posts is revealed in the quality content of your writing. If there is no passion, certainly your content will suffer greatly.
Making a post and being real with your opinion is an added advantage in the blogging world. Learn not to imitate but stayed focused on what you know and write.
Also, getting offered compensation to promote a company or product is always tempting, but make sure your post is your actual opinion, and don’t shove something into your reader’s face that you yourself wouldn’t try or love.
#10. Make it worth it
To prevent this, don’t write only when you feel like writing. Write on a schedule and be consistent.
Be precise, especially as a new blogger, how often are you going to create new posts either weekly or monthly?
Though writing is tough at times, whoever chose to blog may be due to the artistic nature of the writing. However, being consistent in writing blog post make it more profitable provided the content is topnotch and attract more audience.
Blogging is indeed great and developing a passion for it is really worth it. It’s rewarding since it’s a platform to connect you with individuals with like-minded.
Take courage and be inspired as you read this article while you are encouraged to either start a blog of your own or keep working provided you find it interesting.