Top 10 Ways to Use SEO to Drive Higher Sales

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70% of digital marketers claim that search engine optimization (SEO) is better than pay-per-click (PPC) for generating sales. If you would like your firm to grab a share of those revenues, you need a solid SEO plan.

The world of online sales is packed with cutthroat competition, so knowing and using cutting-edge SEO tactics can offer you an advantage digitally, transform more prospective leads into loyal clients, and raise revenue. 

SEO is continuously growing, and its best practices vary, and it can be tough to determine whether you’re doing whatever you can to maximize revenue with SEO.

If this leaves you feeling intimidated, don’t worry: there are more than enough time-honored tactics you can adopt. In this blog, you’ll gain some terrific advice regarding the most effective methods of using SEO to enhance sales.

10 Effective Tactics to use SEO for generating maximum sales

Let’s go through ten expert-recommended SEO best practices, which will definitely assist you in boosting your revenues.

#1. Be keyword savvy

Key phrases in SEO are not used as much as they previously were, even though they’re important. Without keywords, customers may never locate you whenever they search. Therefore, keyword research is still the foundation of any SEO approach.

Let’s say your firm sells handcrafted merchandise. Handmade items, handcrafted merchandise, or handicrafts are three keywords you would like to rank for. 

However, there may be more phrases and keywords that consumers are undoubtedly utilizing to purchase stuff such as yours. It’s essential to decide what they might be and begin using them in your content. 

This content can be in the form of:

  • Web pages
  • Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)
  • Headings
  • Image descriptions
  • Metadata
  • Page titles
  • Emails

Google AdWords serves as a wonderful location to start keyword analysis, but there are also other tools you may utilize. 

Longtail keywords, particularly, are important since a majority of web searches are four words or longer, there is much less competition for them, and they offer greater conversion rates. 

Once you have the appropriate keywords, they’ll link you with customers interested in buying what you’re offering.

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However, you cannot concentrate only on keywords. You need to think beyond that – and one of these includes cluster topics. 

Google’s algorithm is developing every day. Its aim is to analyze what its consumers want and what results of the search will best address their questions.

But, only keyword-focused content won’t get your website to the top of Google. We must also consider keyword context. Whatever your users want is called “user intent.”

Again, you need to consider two things here: 

#1. Know your audience

Keywords For Audience


Your content depends on your demographic. The better you understand them (geography, age, preferences, etc.), the stronger your content and SEO.

By designing buyer personas, which feature your ideal consumers’ shared traits, you’ll be able to focus on issues that are important to your readers and reduce the risk of writing ineffective content.

#2. Organize content into topics

Pillar pages represent your platform’s most significant pages that you want to rank for many keywords.

Cluster pages are connected to their pillar webpage. They answer queries or cover pillar-related subjects in depth. It meets user purposes because they can easily get more extensive data. It improves your platform’s pillar topics. Google wants to send searchers to the top site for their query. 

When Google sees your website as a good source, you’ll likely get a higher ranking.

Each cluster page can rank and deliver traffic to the website.

#2. Create useful content

As we already mentioned, keywords would be nothing without outstanding content. Minus great textual material, key phrases just become a word salad. 

However, content should be more than simply a conduit for keywords. It is a resource that can be used to convert prospective leads, provide something meaningful to consumers, and share on networks to reach new markets.

When consumers scour the web for information about products or services identical to just what you provide, they’ll see posts on social media, blogs, articles, web links, and other material geared to address their concerns, provide knowledge, and simplify a buying decision. 

Once you have the strongest, most applicable, most entertaining, and most credible material online, prospects will locate your business before others, giving you a chance to create relationships plus transform leads into paying customers.

Quality content takes on many different forms, and you must cultivate and create content in a range of ways, including:

  • Blogs
  • Videos
  • Infographics
  • Podcasts
  • Animations
  • User-generated content
  • Guest blogs
  • eBooks and whitepapers
  • How-to guides
  • Lists
  • Product reviews
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Content sits at the heart of any inbound marketing strategy, and once you have a strong inbound structure and amazing content, you’ll have people barge in through your digital door. 

It’s crucial to optimize all your information with targeted keywords, and also to make sure the key phrases you employ are relevant to the type and piece of material you’re providing.

Additional considerations when posting B2B content

When it concerns B2B marketing, content creation can get a bit tricky. Here, each content piece acts as a vital point of contact in your targeted customers’ journey. 

A professional B2B SEO agency realizes that quality content is much more than cramming it with key phrases and publishing unrelated, random blog entries. The experts in these agencies make an effort to understand the demands of your consumers at each point of their decision-making and assist in building a content strategy to meet them wherever they’re during each phase of their journey.

#3. Make your content easily consumable

Ever heard of the phrase “web content formatting”? To increase your organic search rankings, you must also optimize content for legibility.

These formatting guidelines can boost the readability of your brand’s content:

  • Generate premium content: Formatting counts, and so do brilliant ideas, captivating delivery, and correct punctuation and spelling.
  • Use brief paragraphs: Strive to compose paragraphs, comprising 3-4 sentences. If required, you could use one-sentence sections, but utilize them selectively or your article will appear like a shopping list.
  • Combine sentence lengths: Lengthy sentences are challenging to comprehend on a smartphone or computer, but they might function effectively when used judiciously — particularly when paired with reduced sentences. 
  • Use sub-headers: Did you realize that the typical individual spends a mere few seconds reading web content? Subheadings assist readers to scan text and immediately understanding whatever the piece is about.
  • Embed bullets: If you have a wealth of data – statistics, figures, thoughts, facts, and examples — in one section, summarize everything with bulleted points. Use bullets anytime you mention over three items.
  • Use white spaces: Break up enormous pieces of writing with pertinent photographs, video files, and charts — alongside sub-heads and bullets.

Most posts should feature photos or snapshots to demonstrate the points, data, or steps you’re addressing. The more complicated the concept, the more photos you should add. (Picture this full blog entry without visuals. It’d be intimidating, right?)

#4. Use social media to build your customer base

Use Social media to build customers


Social networking is among the fastest rising parts of a thorough and current SEO strategy since more customers are using these channels to interact with brands. 

A major percentage of consumers on social sites such as Facebook use the platform to locate fascinating material.

Hence, there’s a great chance of reaching new audiences, engaging more leads, and establishing long-term relationships with your clients.

Social networking is even a terrific method to portray the more human aspect of your business. It could be leveraged as a direct marketing technique owing to resources like Facebook Ads. Also, you can take the help of social media sites to boost your customer support efforts.

#5. Go mobile

Recent revisions to SEO recommended practices have emphasized mobile and localized content — because the two work hand in hand. 

Local SEO is becoming more significant as more people use smartphone gadgets to seek out businesses. In fact, a major chunk of smartphone searches nowadays contains a local intention. Several consumers will explore a nearby shop after completing a local search.

Therefore, if you want to generate sales to your offline or online store, you should concentrate on localized content — inclusive of local key phrases plus landing pages. Ensure that your brand’s digital footprint is totally mobile-friendly.

#6. Focus on on-page SEO

On-page SEO is vital to your business. Thus, if you are aiming to enhance sales, give importance to on-page strategies. 

Here are some reasons explained in brief: 

On-page SEO enables your site to evolve into a user-friendly interface, makes it convenient to index pages through search engines, increases your search rating, and helps you work on improving vital factors like aesthetics.  

If you’re not acquainted with the concept of on-page SEO, below are its key steps:

  • Creating distinctive and accurate title tags
  • Increasing page loading time to minimize bounce rates
  • Writing meaningful and alternative texts that are keyword-optimized for photographs on your website
  • Optimizing headers with key phrases and appropriate descriptions
  • Linking content from your site with inbound links to facilitate access and indexing
  • Using reasonable but easy-to-read URLs
  • Creating meta descriptions helps boost your page visibility on search engines and makes your site relevant.

Now, allow us to clarify meta descriptions. These are 155-character page summaries. A page’s meta description tells consumers what to anticipate when they click a search result link.

Whether these details affect SEO is debatable. The appropriate meta description can enhance your site’s clicks in search results.

Meta descriptions should be actionable and they need keywords. Make yours distinctive to stand out. Also, note that each site adopts a distinct technique to beat competitors.

#7. Maintain a good rapport

Reputation maintenance isn’t typically included when discussing SEO, but it’s a vital factor. Corporate reputation is mostly about managing what customers see while they perform a search for your brand online. 

Suppose you are a business that has multiple terrible Yelp ratings and then, in one instance, you engage in a Facebook tiff with a client. 

Thereafter, any prospective buyer who utilizes the web to determine whether or not s/he should engage with your company will see the poor reviews and social networking disputes first. That’s the image your business might have from that day on.

Reputation management is mostly about trying to ensure you put up your best demeanor online whenever people search for your brand. 

You can achieve this by following the below steps:

  • Always be courteous while engaging with clients online
  • Regularly check your internet reviews
  • Respond to bad reviews swiftly, politely, and professionally
  • Encourage positive testimonials and reviews from delighted customers

#8. Don’t clutter your website 

All popular search engines, including Google, employ algorithms to index page content. These programmed bots are referred to as web crawlers.

The data on such pages are kept within the index of the search engine. When a customer searches for a keyword, a search engine checks its index and finds the most meaningful sites.

If your site’s structure is too complex, the algorithms might not even index the outcomes, and your website won’t come at the top of the search results.

By streamlining your design, you can make your website easier to understand and more credible.

A straightforward site architecture would make it easy for users to browse after they come to your page. This will improve your odds of conversions. 

#9. Correct any website issues and check the loading speed

Website loading speed matters


Mistakes on your website will hurt your search engine rankings. As we just said, search engines employ bots to analyze web content. These search engines would not want to lead users to bad sites.

Common mistakes on web pages include:

  • Redirects and broken links
  • Duplicated content with pictures

We assume you don’t purposefully break your website. You may well have broken links without even knowing it. That’s why you would want resources to help you spot issues so that you can address them quickly.

You can also get the SEO of the web pages examined to discover what requires to be addressed.

A good tool will find server issues, broken links, and redirects. This software will evaluate page titles and discover duplicate material. This will improve your sales, website traffic, and online purchases.

Finally, if your web pages take too much time to open, search engines could punish your rating. This relates to the prior talk on discovering and addressing site issues. Sometimes these difficulties cause slow page loads.

When there are no problems on your website, the layout may be overly sophisticated. A few companies may also require to upgrade their web hosting services. It’s enticing to choose the cheapest option, but it’ll damage your business in the long term.

In regard to SEO, website loading speed impacts visitor viewing behavior. In fact, a few minutes can substantially impact your website traffic. This isn’t beneficial for the business.

Let’s say you rank on the very first page of google. A prospective buyer lands on your site. That’s excellent news. However, the webpage takes far too long to open, so they exit and then go to a rival’s site.

You simply lost a client!

Do anything you can to allow faster page loading. You want your pages to load as fast as it’s feasible. This will boost your search engine rankings and generate revenue.

#10. Develop a comprehensive strategy to stay on track

If you want your SEO plan to succeed, you cannot have a part-time approach or low effort. To enhance sales using SEO, you must be clever and committed. 

This includes getting a sound strategy that incorporates all the elements discussed above.

For this, you’ll require a team, comprising members who are knowledgeable about SEO best practices, to assess your business objectives and develop a long-term plan that can help you accomplish them.


SEO is vital for the success of businesses — since it can boost your outreach and visibility online. 

It also can help you increase revenue by driving further traffic to the website, giving you more possibilities to convert visitors into sales, and offering you the resources you need at your disposal for boosting conversion rates.

Finally, note that building and maintaining a coherent plan that prioritizes all of these components is just as vital as the aspects individually. That’s the greatest approach to creating an effective SEO plan, which will enhance sales.

Atreyee Chowdhury

Atreyee Chowdhury

Atreyee Chowdhury works full-time as a Content Manager with a Fortune 1 retail giant. She is passionate about writing and helped many small and medium-scale businesses achieve their content marketing goals with her carefully crafted and compelling content. She loves to read, travel, and experiment with different cuisines in her free time. You can follow her on LinkedIn.

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