Youtube Marketing – Perfect Guide For Youtube Business

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There is one channel that often doesn’t appear, but which for many years now has been omnipresent in the lives of all of us and therefore offers great potential for digital marketing: Youtube marketing.

Whenever we talk about social media, we obviously mention Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and more and more we focus on other channels like Instagram, Snapchat and Pinterest.

Videos are an extremely powerful medium, suitable for transmitting content that touches the emotions of the target audience.

Digital marketing experts can use videos to generate traffic to their website, build brand awareness, generate inbound links and expand their reach on social media.

Youtube’s numbers are important: today it has more than 1 billion users, with 4 billion videos viewed every day; this is too large a user base to be ignored.

So let’s see how companies can also use this channel for their digital marketing campaigns!

Marketing Strategies With YouTube For B2C And B2B

youtube marketing

By spreading useful information about the products and services you sell you will probably get less views than a YouTuber that entertains its audience with funny videos, but you will have an audience that is really interested in what you sell.

Remember that your goal is not to have 10,000 views but to have as many views as you can on the site and a high number of views does not always correspond to a high number of clicks on the link.

Thanks to YouTube marketing you will have the chance to present and show the whole world what you have to offer, whether you have e-commerce that sells caps or an info-business.

Your goal in any case remains to generate traffic and profits both with customers who pay to get what you offer and with collaborations.

If you are a freelancer who divulges information on how to create high conversion Facebook ads, you will have the opportunity to show your skills to a company that is looking for just that figure.

Remember, in this regard, to also insert a link to access a contact form for any requests for collaboration and in this case you can use an Application Funnel.

So, I repeat, do not worry about views and subscribers.

A professional, especially in the B2B sector, recognizes professionalism even without looking at the number of likes you have obtained.

YouTube For Business: 5 steps guide

The first thing to understand is what benefit companies can gain from a good YouTube presence.

YouTube is a social media platform, and as we know at the moment social signs are not taken into account by Google’s algorithms to determine SERP positioning.

At the same time, however, YouTube advertising or YouTube marketing can be an extremely effective channel to generate targeted traffic to your website or to redirect potential customers to lead forms, collect email from users who follow your channel.

Depending on the objective we have set for ourselves, this platform has great potential, which is often missed because at first glance it seems that overseeing this social network is more complex than others and therefore requires a greater commitment.

So we have summarized in these 5 points the essential steps to define our campaign on YouTube, showing how it is actually simpler than it seems.

#1. Define your goals

youtube marketing

Creating and publishing videos, in our case, is nothing more than one of the many aspects that make up a broader digital marketing strategy.

As with any platform we choose to oversee, the first and fundamental step is the definition of objectives.

We must also ask ourselves here: what do we want to achieve from these videos?

We may want to get direct traffic to our site, increase the number of subscribers to our channel, and raise brand awareness.

The main objective for companies is to transform the YouTube channel into a tool for generating leads for the purpose of email marketing.

#2. Do research on the topics or niche of your choice

To win the positioning battle we must first make sure that the topics we cover in our videos respond to the interest expressed by users in our area.

So we need to understand what our audience is looking for, what kind of content they are attracted to: 60% of video views come from a search on Google or YouTube itself, and we need to explore what the most common searches are and fit into that conversation by proposing original content.

In order to be able to identify the most interesting topics for our users we can first use the internal YouTube search, to see what the competition publishes and which videos are the most clicked; then we can use Google Adwords and check what results the keywords and topics we have selected get.

#3. Choose the type of video

youtube marketing

Once we understand the topics that we should deal with, we have to understand how to deal with the chosen topic and therefore what kind of content to propose.

We can create content that focuses on creativity (with the aim of making them viral), educational content (such as how-to videos), or interviews with key elements of our sector.

Educational and informative content is particularly suitable for companies, especially those that offer services and not products.

We can therefore offer how-to videos, tutorials, reviews, and we can try to explore topics that cover as widely as possible what our business sphere has to offer.

Specifically, there are three important areas of content that companies can cover: educational content that teaches something to the target audience, inspirational content that motivates users and touches their emotional chords, and finally content that directly addresses the viewer as a member of a community and therefore deals with topics dear to them.

The best way to understand which type of content is best to focus on is to lend analytics, but we can also address users directly and ask them what topics they are interested in.

#4. Define the structure of the video

youtube marketing

Making a video is certainly a more complex operation than writing a post or publishing a tweet.

It is therefore necessary to spend more time defining the structure and thinking about how to convey the content we have programmed.

In order to facilitate the production of the video, it will be easier to divide it into sections, for example an introduction, a development in which the fundamental points of our proposal are explained and a summary conclusion.

This subdivision may take us more time in the editing phase, but it will help us in the recording phase.

It is also important first of all to present oneself quickly, but also in general not to go on too long and to provide specific information as quickly as possible, without renouncing clarity and simple communication.

In conclusion to our video we must not forget to include call to action, after all our goal is to collect contact and generate traffic to our site.

A first CTA could then lead users to the site, where they can get a free download and then leave their email address.

A second CTA can push the condition and focus on engagement: we ask to leave a comment, subscribe to our channel, put like to the video.

The higher the engagement rate in the first 24 hours after the video is published, the higher the ranking we will get on Google.

#5. Generate traffic to the video

youtube marketing

Once the video is published, it is important to generate traffic.

To do this, we can use our e-mail list: if we send an update newsletter every week, we can recommend our new videos to our user base.

Then we have to take advantage of our presence also on other social networks: we can launch small teasers of the video on our Facebook page and insert the link to the complete video on Youtube in the description; we can tweet the link, post stories on Snapchat and also turn the teaser on Instagram.


In conclusion, we have shown how to define a strategy to also oversee this social channel should not be understood as too energy-intensive or too difficult to achieve.

YouTube and more generally videos are an extremely useful tool for generating traffic and obtaining contacts from potential customers.

In general, it is a channel that we can use to diversify our proposal and to make ourselves known to an audience other than the one we are generally in contact with.

If you need a more specific audit and analysis of your social media marketing activities, please comment below.

We will be happy to provide you with the most suitable information for your business on YouTube!

Ciro Tomaselli

Ciro Tomaselli

Hi everybody, I'm Ciro Tomaselli. I'm graduated in Business Administration and I'm graduating in Marketing Management. I currently live in Lithuania, precisely in Kaunas and I'm doing an internship at the company AdsTargets.

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