Keyword Trends: 7 Effective Ways of Adapting To Evolving SEO Trends

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I am assuming you are here to learn about keyword trends, If I am right, you are welcome.

SEO is a dynamic field, constantly changing. With limited time, it’s crucial to focus on the most impactful SEO tactics by adapting to evolving SEO trends.

Here in this guide, I am going to throw the box open for you to discover the easy but effective ways to keep abreast of SEO trends and ensure your efforts are well-directed in your marketing efforts.

Easy And Effective Ways You Can Stay Up To Date With SEO Trends

Easy And Effective Ways You Can Stay Up To Date With SEO Trends

#1. Follow Industry News

To stay on top of SEO tactics, you want to be tuned in to what’s happening in the industry. That means subscribing to marketing resources where the latest updates and changes are discussed. You can access this info in different ways depending on what works best for you.

Blogs, podcasts, and email newsletters are all great options. Blogs are like online journals where experts share insights and news. Podcasts are audio shows where they discuss SEO trends and strategies.

Email digests are summaries of important updates sent directly to your inbox. Whichever way you choose, staying connected to these sources keeps you in the loop with what’s happening in SEO, helping you adapt and improve your strategies.

Setting up Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools is crucial for effective website management and search engine optimization (SEO). These tools act as direct communication channels between you and search engines like Google and Bing, offering valuable insights and notifications that can significantly impact your site’s performance. Here’s why you should configure them:

#1. Direct Communication: Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools enable search engines to communicate directly with you. This means if there are any important messages, recommendations, or alerts regarding your website’s health, indexing status, or SEO performance, you’ll receive them promptly.

#2. Sitemap Submission: One of the key benefits is the ability to submit your website’s sitemap. A sitemap is like a roadmap for search engines, guiding them on how to navigate and index your site’s pages more efficiently. By submitting your sitemap through these tools, you ensure that search engines understand your site’s structure better, leading to improved visibility in search results.

#3. Crawl Error Notifications: These tools notify you about any crawl errors encountered by search engine bots while crawling your site. Crawl errors can include broken links, missing pages, or accessibility issues that could hinder your site’s performance in search rankings. Being aware of these errors allows you to rectify them promptly, ensuring a smoother crawling and indexing process.

#4. Security Monitoring: Another crucial aspect is the ability to monitor for suspicious or malicious activity on your website. Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools can alert you to potential security threats such as malware infections or hacking attempts. Detecting and addressing these issues promptly not only protects your site but also helps maintain a positive reputation with search engines.

In essence, configuring these webmaster tools is like having a direct line of communication with search engines, allowing you to optimize your website effectively, address potential issues proactively, and ensure a smooth user experience for visitors.

#2. Use a DIY SEO Tool

Using a DIY SEO tool like ClearPath Online can be a game-changer for staying on top of SEO trends and optimizing your website effectively. Here’s why leveraging such a tool can benefit you:

#1. Guided SEO Tasks: DIY SEO tools are designed to simplify the SEO process for you. Instead of spending time researching and figuring out the best SEO tactics, these tools guide you through each task step-by-step. Whether it’s optimizing meta tags, improving site speed, or enhancing content, the tool provides clear instructions, making SEO tasks more manageable.

#2. Stay Updated: SEO is constantly evolving, with search engine algorithms frequently changing. With a DIY SEO tool, you don’t have to worry about keeping up with every algorithm update. The tool is designed to adapt and incorporate the latest SEO strategies and best practices automatically. This ensures that your website remains optimized according to current standards, even as search engine algorithms evolve.

#3. Efficiency: By using a DIY SEO tool, you save time and effort that would otherwise be spent on manual SEO tasks. The tool streamlines the optimization process, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your website or business. This efficiency not only improves your SEO efforts but also contributes to overall productivity.

#4. Comprehensive Guidance: These tools provide comprehensive guidance across various SEO aspects, including keyword optimization, on-page SEO, technical SEO, and more. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced SEO practitioner, the tool offers insights and recommendations tailored to your website’s specific needs, helping you achieve better search engine rankings and organic traffic.

In summary, a DIY SEO tool like ClearPath Online empowers you to navigate the complexities of SEO effortlessly. It provides structured guidance, keeps you updated with the latest SEO trends, enhances your efficiency, and offers comprehensive support for optimizing your website for search engines.

#3. SEO Periodic Table

SEO Periodic Table

Downloading and referring to the SEO Periodic Table is a great way to stay updated on the most important SEO factors. This table, created by Search Engine Land and updated annually, visually represents key elements that impact SEO rankings. Here’s why it’s beneficial:

#1. Visual Overview: The SEO Periodic Table provides a visual overview of crucial SEO factors. Instead of sifting through complex data or lengthy articles, you get a clear and concise snapshot of what matters most in SEO for that year.

#2. Updated Insights: Since it’s updated annually, you can trust that the information reflects the latest trends and best practices in SEO. While it may not capture daily updates, it offers a comprehensive view of the current SEO space and what strategies are most impactful.

#3. Reference Guide: You can use the SEO Periodic Table as a reference guide when optimizing your website or planning SEO strategies. It helps you prioritize tasks based on the factors that have the most significant impact on search engine rankings.

#4. Trend Awareness: By regularly referring to the table, you stay informed about emerging trends and shifts in SEO priorities. This awareness is crucial for adapting your SEO strategy to align with industry changes and staying competitive in search engine results.

Overall, integrating the SEO Periodic Table into your SEO toolkit allows you to gain valuable insights, stay updated on important SEO elements, and make informed decisions to enhance your website’s visibility and performance in search engines.

#4. Follow Industry Experts

Following industry experts in SEO on social media platforms can be highly beneficial for staying updated with the latest trends, strategies, and insights. Here’s why you should make it a habit:

#1. Access to Expert Insights: By following influential SEO experts and thought leaders, you gain access to a wealth of knowledge and expertise. These individuals often share valuable insights, tips, and best practices that can help you enhance your SEO strategies and stay ahead of the curve.

#2. Stay Updated with Trends: SEO is a constantly evolving field, with algorithms and techniques changing frequently. Following industry experts allows you to stay updated with the latest trends and algorithm updates. This knowledge is crucial for adjusting your SEO strategies to align with current best practices and algorithm changes.

#3. Learn New Strategies: Industry experts often share innovative SEO strategies and techniques that can improve your website’s visibility, rankings, and organic traffic. By following them, you can learn about new tools, optimization tactics, content strategies, and more that can benefit your SEO efforts.

#4. Networking Opportunities: Following SEO experts also opens up networking opportunities. You can engage with them, ask questions, participate in discussions, and even collaborate on projects. Building connections in the SEO community can lead to valuable partnerships and knowledge exchanges.

#5. Receive Timely Updates: Industry experts often share timely updates about search engine changes, industry events, and upcoming trends. This information can help you adapt your SEO strategies quickly and efficiently, ensuring that you maintain a competitive edge in the digital space.

Overall, following industry experts in SEO on social media platforms is like having a direct line to the latest developments and strategies in the field. It’s a proactive way to stay informed, learn from experts, and continuously improve your SEO efforts for better results.

#5. Continuous Learning

Investing time in continuous learning through online courses, podcasts, and ebooks focused on SEO is crucial for staying updated and improving your skills in the digital marketing space. Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and HubSpot Academy offer a wealth of valuable resources tailored to your niche. Here’s why you should consider these learning avenues:

#1. Stay Updated: The world of SEO is constantly evolving with new algorithms, trends, and best practices. Engaging in online courses, podcasts, and ebooks allows you to stay abreast of the latest developments, ensuring that your SEO strategies remain effective and competitive.

#2. Deep Dive into Topics: Online courses provide structured learning paths, allowing you to delve deep into specific SEO topics such as keyword research, on-page optimization, link building, and analytics. You can choose courses that align with your current knowledge level and focus areas, enabling you to gain in-depth insights and practical skills.

#3. Practical Insights: Podcasts are a valuable resource for gaining practical insights and industry knowledge from experts and practitioners in the field. They often feature discussions, case studies, and actionable tips that you can implement directly into your SEO strategies, enhancing your proficiency and results.

#4. Flexible Learning: Ebooks offer flexibility in learning, allowing you to consume content at your own pace and convenience. They cover a wide range of SEO topics in a comprehensive manner, making them ideal for deepening your understanding and referencing key concepts whenever needed.

#5. Certifications and Credentials: Many online courses offer certifications upon completion, which can bolster your credibility as an SEO professional. These credentials demonstrate your commitment to continuous learning and mastery of essential SEO skills, making you more attractive to clients or employers.

When you invest your time and effort in continuous learning through these platforms, you equip yourself with the knowledge, skills, and credentials necessary to go through the dynamic space of SEO effectively and achieve tangible results for your projects or clients.

#6. Join SEO Communities

Joining SEO communities on platforms like Reddit, LinkedIn groups, and Twitter chats is a smart move to boost your SEO game. Here’s why diving into these communities can benefit you:

#1. Knowledge Sharing: By joining SEO communities, you tap into a treasure trove of industry insights, tips, and best practices shared by experts and fellow enthusiasts. It’s like being part of a dynamic classroom where you can learn new strategies, techniques, and tools to enhance your SEO skills.

#2. Networking Opportunities: These communities offer excellent networking opportunities with like-minded professionals, SEO specialists, marketers, and business owners. Engaging in discussions, sharing your experiences, and asking questions not only expands your knowledge but also helps you build valuable connections within the SEO ecosystem.

#3. Stay Updated: SEO is field that is always changing, with search engine algorithms, trends, and techniques constantly changing. By actively participating in SEO communities, you stay abreast of the latest industry developments, algorithm updates, and emerging trends. This knowledge keeps you ahead of the curve and enables you to adapt your SEO strategies accordingly.

#4. Problem Solving: Got a tricky SEO problem or need advice on a specific aspect of optimization? SEO communities are great places to seek solutions. Whether it’s troubleshooting technical issues, understanding the impact of new SEO practices, or getting feedback on your strategies, the collective expertise of the community can help you find answers and overcome challenges more effectively.

#5. Industry Insights: Apart from learning from peers, these communities often host discussions, webinars, and AMA (Ask Me Anything) sessions with industry leaders and renowned SEO experts. Accessing their insights, case studies, and success stories provides valuable perspectives and inspiration for refining your SEO approach and achieving better results.

In essence, joining SEO communities is like immersing yourself in a vibrant marketplace of SEO knowledge, connections, and opportunities. It’s a proactive step towards continuous learning, networking, and staying at the forefront of SEO excellence.

#7. Attend Webinars and Conferences

Attending webinars and conferences hosted by SEO experts and industry leaders can be incredibly beneficial for your knowledge and skills in website optimization. Here’s why participating in these events is important:

#1. Latest Trends: Webinars and conferences offer a platform to stay updated with the latest trends in SEO. Industry experts often share insights on new algorithms, optimization techniques, and best practices that can help you adapt and improve your website’s performance.

#2. Strategic Insights: These events provide strategic insights into SEO strategies that work in your specific industry or niche. You can learn from successful case studies, understand competitor strategies, and gain valuable tips on how to stand out in search engine results.

#3. Networking Opportunities: Connecting with other professionals in the SEO community during webinars and conferences opens doors to valuable networking opportunities. You can exchange ideas, collaborate on projects, and build relationships that may lead to future partnerships or collaborations.

#4. Q&A Sessions: Most webinars and conferences include interactive Q&A sessions where you can directly ask questions to experts. This is a great opportunity to get personalized advice, clarify doubts, and seek solutions to specific challenges you may be facing in your SEO efforts.

#5. Skill Enhancement: By attending these events, you have the chance to enhance your skills in areas like keyword research, content optimization, technical SEO, and analytics. Workshops and training sessions conducted during these events can provide hands-on learning experiences and practical insights.

Overall, participating in webinars and conferences hosted by SEO experts and industry leaders is a proactive step towards staying informed, expanding your network, and continuously improving your SEO strategies to achieve better results for your website.

How Do I Identify Emerging Keyword Trends In My Industry?

To identify emerging keyword trends in your industry, you can follow a strategic approach that involves staying updated with industry news, analyzing user behavior, and leveraging online tools. Here’s how you can do it:

#1. Monitor Industry News: Keep a close eye on industry-specific news, events, and developments. This includes following relevant publications, blogs, forums, and social media channels where discussions about your industry’s latest trends and topics take place. Pay attention to emerging technologies, market shifts, and consumer preferences that can influence keyword trends.

#2. Analyze User Behavior: Use tools like Google Analytics, social media analytics, and keyword research tools to analyze user behavior patterns. Look for keywords or phrases that are gaining traction in search queries, social media conversations, and online discussions related to your industry. Pay attention to user intent and the context in which keywords are being used.

#3. Utilize Keyword Research Tools: Take advantage of keyword research tools like Google Trends, SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Moz Keyword Explorer. These tools provide valuable insights into search volume trends, related keywords, and rising topics of interest. Look for keywords with increasing search volumes or sudden spikes in popularity, as these indicate emerging trends that you can capitalize on.

#4. Monitor Competitor Strategies: Keep an eye on your competitors’ keyword strategies and content initiatives. Tools like SpyFu and SimilarWeb can help you analyze competitor keywords, organic search rankings, and content performance. Identify keywords that your competitors are targeting successfully and consider incorporating similar keywords into your own content strategy.

#5. Stay Engaged with Your Audience: Engage with your target audience through surveys, polls, feedback forms, and social media interactions. Ask them about their interests, pain points, and the topics they are searching for. This direct feedback can provide valuable insights into emerging keyword trends and content preferences among your audience.

When you combine these strategies, you can effectively identify emerging keyword trends in your industry, allowing you to stay ahead of the curve and optimize your content for increased visibility and relevance.

What Tools Can Help Me Track Keyword Trends And Changes In Search Behavior?

Tracking keyword trends and changes in search behavior is crucial for staying ahead in your industry and optimizing your content for maximum visibility. Here are some tools that can help you with this:

#1. Google Trends: This tool from Google allows you to explore the popularity of search queries over time and across different regions. You can see how interest in specific keywords has evolved, identify rising trends, and compare the relative search volume of different terms. Google Trends also provides related queries and topics, giving you insights into what people are searching for related to your niche.

#2. SEMrush: SEMrush offers comprehensive keyword research and tracking capabilities. You can track the ranking positions of your target keywords, monitor changes in search volume, and analyze competitors’ keyword strategies. The tool also provides data on organic and paid search traffic, allowing you to assess the effectiveness of your SEO and PPC campaigns.

#3. Ahrefs: Ahrefs is another powerful tool for keyword analysis and tracking. It offers features like keyword explorer, which provides search volume, keyword difficulty, and click metrics for specific keywords. Ahrefs also tracks SERP (Search Engine Results Page) features, helping you understand how search results are evolving for your target keywords.

#4. Moz Keyword Explorer: Moz’s Keyword Explorer tool provides valuable insights into keyword opportunities and trends. You can discover new keywords, assess their potential value, and track their performance over time. Moz also offers metrics like keyword difficulty and organic click-through rate (CTR) to help you prioritize your keyword targeting efforts.

#5. SE Ranking: SE Ranking offers a suite of SEO tools, including keyword rank tracking and analysis. You can track your keyword positions in search results, monitor changes in rankings, and receive alerts for significant fluctuations. The tool also provides insights into keyword competition and search volume trends.

When you use these tools effectively, you can gain a deeper understanding of keyword trends, monitor changes in search behavior, and make data-driven decisions to improve your SEO and content strategy.

How Do I Balance Between Evergreen Keywords And Trending Keywords In My SEO Strategy?

Balancing evergreen keywords and trending keywords in your SEO strategy is essential for long-term success and staying relevant in your industry. Here’s how you can effectively manage this balance:

#1. Understand the Difference: Evergreen keywords are timeless and consistently relevant to your niche or industry. They often represent core topics or fundamental aspects of your business that remain constant over time. On the other hand, trending keywords are more temporary, reflecting current popular topics, events, or trends that may have a shorter lifespan but can attract immediate attention and traffic.

#2. Focus on Core Content: Start by building a strong foundation with evergreen content that addresses fundamental aspects of your business, products, or services. These pieces should target keywords that are consistently searched for by your target audience, providing valuable and enduring information that remains relevant over time.

#3. Stay Updated with Trends: While evergreen content forms the backbone of your SEO strategy, incorporating trending keywords allows you to capitalize on current interests and hot topics. Monitor industry news, social media trends, and relevant forums to identify emerging keywords or topics that are gaining traction among your audience.

#4. Create a Content Mix: Aim for a balanced content mix that includes both evergreen and trending topics. Your evergreen content provides stability and long-term value, while trending content allows you to capitalize on immediate opportunities and engage with audiences actively searching for current information.

#5. Optimize for Search Intent: Regardless of whether you’re targeting evergreen or trending keywords, always prioritize search intent. Understand what users are looking for when they search using these keywords and create content that meets their needs effectively. This approach not only improves your SEO but also enhances user experience and engagement.

#6. Monitor and Adapt: Regularly monitor the performance of your content for both evergreen and trending keywords. Analyze metrics such as traffic, engagement, and conversions to assess what’s working well and where adjustments may be needed. Use this data to refine your SEO strategy and adapt to evolving trends and audience preferences.

When you strike a balance between evergreen keywords for long-term visibility and trending keywords for immediate impact, you can create a robust SEO strategy that attracts, engages, and retains your target audience effectively.

What Are The Common Pitfalls To Avoid When Following Keyword Trends?

What Are The Common Pitfalls To Avoid When Following Keyword Trends?

When you’re following keyword trends, there are some common pitfalls you’ll want to steer clear of to ensure your SEO strategy remains effective:

#1. Chasing Short-Term Trends Only: It’s tempting to focus solely on keywords that are trending right now. However, this can lead to a short-lived boost in traffic that quickly fades. Instead, aim for a balance between trending topics and evergreen content that maintains relevance over time.

#2. Ignoring User Intent: Don’t just target keywords based on search volume. Consider the intent behind those searches. Are users looking for information, products, or solutions to a problem? Tailor your content to match their intent for better engagement and conversion rates.

#3. Keyword Stuffing: Overloading your content with keywords in an unnatural way not only turns off readers but also raises red flags for search engines. Focus on natural language and incorporate keywords seamlessly to maintain readability and SEO effectiveness.

#4. Neglecting Long-Tail Keywords: While popular keywords are competitive, long-tail keywords (more specific phrases) can be a goldmine for targeted traffic. Don’t overlook these opportunities to reach niche audiences interested in specific topics or products.

#5. Forgetting About Quality Content: Keywords are important, but they should complement high-quality, relevant content. Search engines prioritize content that provides value to users, so focus on creating informative, engaging, and well-structured content that naturally incorporates your targeted keywords.

#6. Not Monitoring Performance: Keep track of how your chosen keywords are performing. Use analytics tools to assess traffic, engagement metrics, and conversion rates associated with specific keywords. This data helps you refine your keyword strategy over time for better results.

When you avoid these common pitfalls and maintaining a strategic approach to keyword trends, you can enhance your SEO efforts and attract valuable organic traffic to your website.

What Are The Long-Term Benefits Of Staying Proactive With Keyword Trends?

Staying proactive with keyword trends can bring numerous long-term benefits to your website and online presence. Here’s why it’s important:

#1. Improved Relevance: By staying updated with keyword trends in your industry or niche, you ensure that your content remains relevant to what your target audience is searching for. This relevance is key to attracting the right visitors to your website who are more likely to engage with your content and offerings.

#2. Higher Search Engine Rankings: Search engines like Google prioritize content that aligns with current keyword trends. By incorporating these trending keywords naturally into your content, you increase the likelihood of ranking higher in search results. This visibility boost can lead to increased organic traffic over time.

#3. Competitive Edge: Keeping an eye on keyword trends allows you to stay ahead of your competitors. You can identify emerging topics, popular search queries, and areas where there’s less competition. This insight enables you to create content that stands out and attracts attention, giving you a competitive edge in your industry.

#4. Content Planning: Proactively monitoring keyword trends helps in planning your content strategy effectively. You can identify seasonal trends, recurring themes, and evergreen topics that resonate with your audience. This approach ensures a steady flow of relevant content that keeps your audience engaged and coming back for more.

#5. Adaptation to Changes: The digital space evolves rapidly, and so do search behaviors and trends. By staying proactive, you can adapt to these changes quickly. This agility allows you to capitalize on new opportunities, adjust your SEO strategies accordingly, and maintain a strong online presence despite shifting trends.

Overall, being proactive with keyword trends sets the foundation for sustainable growth and visibility online. It helps you stay relevant, competitive, and adaptable in a dynamic digital environment, ultimately leading to increased traffic, engagement, and success for your website.

How Can I Incorporate Trending Keywords Into My Content Without Sacrificing Quality?

Incorporating trending keywords into your content without compromising quality is crucial for attracting relevant traffic and staying competitive in your industry. Here’s how you can do it effectively:

#1. Stay Updated: Keep a close eye on industry news, popular topics, and trending keywords related to your niche. Use tools like Google Trends, social media trends, and industry forums to stay informed about what people are searching for and talking about.

#2. Understand Search Intent: Before incorporating trending keywords, understand the search intent behind them. Are people looking for information, products, reviews, or solutions? Tailor your content to align with the searcher’s intent while naturally integrating relevant keywords.

#3. Strategic Placement: Identify key areas in your content where you can incorporate trending keywords seamlessly. These include headings, subheadings, meta tags, and within the body of your content. Avoid keyword stuffing, which can harm readability and user experience.

#4. Create Quality Content: Focus on creating high-quality, valuable content that provides genuine insights, answers questions, or solves problems for your audience. Use trending keywords to enhance your content’s visibility without compromising its depth and relevance.

#5. Optimize Naturally: Integrate trending keywords in a natural and organic manner that fits within the context of your content. Use variations, synonyms, and long-tail keywords to capture a broader range of search queries while maintaining readability.

#6. Monitor Performance: Regularly monitor the performance of your content using analytics tools. Pay attention to how well your content ranks for trending keywords, the amount of organic traffic it generates, and user engagement metrics. Use this data to refine your keyword strategy over time.

By staying informed, understanding search intent, strategically placing keywords, creating quality content, optimizing naturally, and monitoring performance, you can effectively incorporate trending keywords into your content without sacrificing quality. This approach helps you attract targeted traffic, improve search visibility, and engage your audience authentically.

How Do Keyword Trends Impact Overall SEO Performance And Website Visibility?

Keyword trends play a crucial role in your website’s SEO performance and visibility. Here’s why they matter:

#1. Relevance to Search Intent: When people search for something online, they use specific keywords or phrases to find what they’re looking for. By analyzing keyword trends, you can understand what terms are popular among your target audience. Using these relevant keywords in your website content helps search engines match your site with user queries, improving your chances of appearing in search results.

#2. Competitive Advantage: Keeping an eye on keyword trends allows you to stay ahead of the competition. If certain keywords related to your industry or niche are gaining traction, incorporating them into your content can give you a competitive edge. It helps you align your SEO strategy with current market demands and user preferences.

#3. Content Optimization: Keywords trends also guide you in optimizing your content for search engines. By identifying high-volume and low-competition keywords, you can create targeted and engaging content that attracts more organic traffic. This strategy enhances your website’s visibility and increases the likelihood of ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

#4. User Experience: Using trending keywords effectively not only boosts your SEO but also enhances the user experience. When visitors find content that aligns with their search queries, they are more likely to engage with your site, stay longer, and explore other pages. This positive user behavior signals to search engines that your website is relevant and valuable, further improving your SEO performance over time.

#5. Adaptability: Keyword trends are dynamic and can change over time due to shifts in user behavior, market trends, or seasonal variations. Monitoring these trends regularly allows you to adapt your SEO strategy accordingly, ensuring that your website remains visible and competitive in search rankings.

In summary, paying attention to keyword trends helps you create content that meets user needs, stay ahead of competitors, optimize for search engines, enhance the user experience, and adapt to evolving market conditions—all of which contribute to improved SEO performance and increased website visibility.


In this comprehensive guide, you’ve learned valuable strategies to stay ahead of SEO trends and ensure your marketing efforts are effective.

When you follow industry news, configuring webmaster tools, using DIY SEO tools, referring to the SEO Periodic Table, following industry experts, continuous learning, joining SEO communities, and attending webinars and conferences, you equip yourself with the knowledge and skills needed to adapt to evolving SEO trends.

These strategies help you monitor emerging keyword trends in your industry, optimize your website effectively, and stay competitive in search engine rankings. Combining these approaches allows you to make informed decisions, enhance your SEO strategies, and achieve better results for your website.

Terhemba Ucha

Terhemba Ucha

Terhemba has over 11 years of digital marketing and specifically focuses on paid advertising on social media and search engines. He loves tech and kin in learning and sharing his knowledge with others. He consults on digital marketing and growth hacking.

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