Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) Google Ads Complete Guide

return on ad spend

Understanding keys advertising metrics enhance your ad campaigns performance and ensure your ads bring in high ROI. One of the key metrics is the return on ad spend which shows whether your ads are profitable or not. unfortunately, though, there are still many advertisers who don’t know what ROAS is and how to calculate it. […]

How to Boost Your Google Adsense Earnings

Google Adsense earnings

As we get into 2020, more advertisers are trying to reach their potential clients through web advertising also known as digital advertising or online advertising while on the other hand, publishers are striving how to boost their Google Adsense earnings. Also on the other side, more publishers are willing to monetize their traffic. The connecting […]

How to Get approved by Google AdSense

approved by Google AdSense

So let’s get this straight. There is a valid reason why most publishers want to monetise their traffic with AdSense. Some notable reasons are, Adsense is owned by Google, has one of the highest rates per CPM and Clicks, accept publishers from many countries, can offer 100% fill rates among so many other reasons. Getting […]

AdsTargets as Google Adsense Alternative

Google Adsense Alternative

There is so much search going on about Google Adsense alternatives or alternatives. This is mostly coming from publishers who either want to monetize their traffic with similar ad networks like Adsense or some publishers that are already been blocked by Google AdSense. It is common among new bloggers some of which applied for an […]

Google AdSense Account Best practices

Adsense is by far the most popular ad network for publishers around the globe. The reasons are pretty simple and straightforward. Google Adsense is the highest-paying ad network, most loved by major publishers for its quality and reputation. Also, there is a lot of money to be made with AdSense. Some publishers make as much […]

Google Adsense Ad Units updates- What Publishers need to know

Google Adsense has finally announced some of the changes most publishers saw since April 2019 in their Ad units. In an email sent recently, They officially confirm the Google AdSense ad unit updates. The reason for the recent updates to Adsense ad units is to provide publishers with a more flexible, up-to-date service and a […]

Google Display Ads Ultimate Guide

Google Display Ads

Google Display Ads is an efficient advertising platform that can help businesses increase brand awareness, drive quality website traffic, and generate leads, sales, and conversions. When was the last time you wanted to purchase an item but didn’t know exactly what the product looks like? Say you need a dog couch for your St. Bernard. […]

Steps to Recover from a Google Algorithm Update and Penalties: 8 Effective Ways and More How to Bounce Back to the Top Spot

Google algorithm update

Been grinding away at your SEO? Then you already know how challenging it can be. The last thing you need is to lose that hard-earned momentum because of a Google algorithm update or a manual penalty. It’s a real gut-punch when your traffic suddenly tanks, or your spot on the SERP takes a nosedive to […]

4 Latest Google Algorithm Updates and How They Affect SEO

4 Latest Google Algorithm Updates and How They Affect SEO

Technology is always on the move, and as people change how they shop and what they want, it’s no wonder Google keeps tweaking its search algorithms. For marketers and business owners, staying on top of these Google algorithm updates is key to staying visible online. With more than 15 confirmed updates in 2022 and 2023 […]

A/B Testing For Effective Ads

A/B Testing For Effective Ads

Have you ever wondered how to transform your advertising campaigns from merely good to astonishingly great? Well, the secret weapon that advertisers and marketers wield is A/B testing. It’s the magic wand that enables us to optimize ads with pinpoint precision and catapult our conversion rates into the stratosphere. In this blog article, we’re going […]